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Title:  A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England diuided into two partes: whereof, the first parte answereth certaine treasons pretended, that neuer were intended: and the second, discouereth greater treasons committed, that are by few perceiued: as more largely appeareth in the page folowing.
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hath bene, and yet is, readie to performe, not only what so euer she hath promised, but what so euer els also that any other Princes of Christendome shall thinke reason for her to do, or for your Q. to de∣maund. And the friuolous answers and delaies you speake of haue bene altoge∣ther made and vsed by your Q. who by force of reason (being pressed often both by the Q. of Scotl. her selfe, and by the letters and Embassadors of all other Princes) hath bene cōstrained to graunt and promise the reformation and abee∣ring of the more then barbarous iniuries done to the other: and when it hath come to performance, hath either made friuo∣lous delaies, or vrged such other vnequal demaunds, as gaue manifest argument, that she neuer meant it.By whose default the Q. of Scot. is expelled.And for her vnablenes to keepe her ovvne, I answere, y• neither by any misgouer∣nance, nor other desert of hers is she ex∣pelled: and hereof I weene the world will witnesse with her. For and if you could haue shewed any, who seeth not, but that here had bene your time & place to vtter it, and that you want no malice 0