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Title:  A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England diuided into two partes: whereof, the first parte answereth certaine treasons pretended, that neuer were intended: and the second, discouereth greater treasons committed, that are by few perceiued: as more largely appeareth in the page folowing.
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From penance and Pardons, to onely faith. From weping for sinne, to laughing at sinne. From scruple of smal sinnes, to glory in great.And from that, whiche through Charitie, conteined menne in the limites of Pietie, Iustice, Temprance, and vertuous exercises: vnto this, which by a solifidian hope, first induceth in man loosenes of life, rdenes of man∣nr, wildenes of lokes, pride of speach, hatins of gsture, and a Ruffianlike russhing into al vice, and after vnto Atheisme, Barbarisme, or Machometes aith at least.And from that, which kept your fe∣minine sexe in al womanly grauitie: vnto this, that leadeth them that be the zalouse imbracers of it, into al iolitie and galantrie. From that which taught them maidenly bashulnes: to this, that tachth them to blush at nothing, & hath drawen them from the English sobrietie, to the French vanitie. From the rare and plain speach of England, to the Spa∣nish complementes. From clanns by wasshing, to vnsauery painting. 0