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Title:  A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England diuided into two partes: whereof, the first parte answereth certaine treasons pretended, that neuer were intended: and the second, discouereth greater treasons committed, that are by few perceiued: as more largely appeareth in the page folowing.
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put to silence, & broght in obliuion, that neither was her selfe, nor her interest to her Crowne any way preidiced by that in the opinion of subiect at home, nor of friende abrode. But on the other side, by that mutation offensiue to so many: her Fathers life and manners, her Mothers mariage and death, yea her owne birh and conuersation is made th subiect and mater of much secrete talke at home a∣mong er owne, and of more open speach and penning euery where abrode.Tenthly, yt the Minister lacke not one lie for his tithe, strip it out of that couein and craftie lie, that bare you in hande at first, that ye change was no change nor re∣pugnancie in Religion: but yt both were one in substance & effect, & that both parts might be saued wel ynowgh, bycause they beleued in one Iesus Christ, &c. And see what your Ministers tel you now, & whe∣ther in their pulpits any crime be excla∣med on cōparably to y• old faith & religiō. Yea see, whether open adultery, professed vsurie, purposed periury, sacrilge, incest, slaughter of Priestes, murder of Catho∣liks, mariage of brother & sister togeher, 0