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Title:  A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England diuided into two partes: whereof, the first parte answereth certaine treasons pretended, that neuer were intended: and the second, discouereth greater treasons committed, that are by few perceiued: as more largely appeareth in the page folowing.
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The Second Parte.AND hauing now answe∣red al the cruel accusations of this Libell, in such sorte, as who so hath either ho∣nestie, wit, or grace, & maie be suffered to reade it, shal finde him selfe, I trust, amply satisfied therwith, & shall plainly ynough see the deadly malice, and impudent vanitie of them: to cleare yet the same the more euidently to al sights, and to shew the innocēcie of those Noble Princes more eminently then the Sonne at noone daies, by vnbuckling & lifting vp (as it were) the visards and veiles of thse Machiauel Catilines, that like Ro∣bin goodfellowes would walke vnseene and abuse the worlde with idle feares, whiles them selues might freely finish thir determined mischiefes: I shal now (as in the beginning I promised) some∣what open and touch vnto you the very true grounds and causes, why all these false accusations, sclaunderous surmises, 0