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Title:  A treatise of treasons against Q. Elizabeth, and the croune of England diuided into two partes: whereof, the first parte answereth certaine treasons pretended, that neuer were intended: and the second, discouereth greater treasons committed, that are by few perceiued: as more largely appeareth in the page folowing.
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sundry actual things to haue ben don and executed, by messages, by letters, by pre∣sent conferences of sundry persons, by money receiued and paied, by prouision of armour and munition, by constitution and agreement vpon daies and times, by a readinesse and assurance of shippes and mariners, and by many other like things, that require fact and action, before suche enterprises can be resolued and deter∣mined.The prous of the impos¦sibiliie.Let vs therefore require of this Accu∣ser, for the furnishing of his accusation, to tel vs of some few at least, that beganne this deuise: of some fewe of those many, that did determine it: of some of the mul∣titude, that should haue executed it: of some Citizen or other that conspired to raise the reast, or to let in the others that should come from without: or els from whence the Ordinance should come to bat∣tr the walles, or the botes to enter by water. Let him tel vs the name of some strange Capitaine or foreine souldier wa∣ged or hired, of some shippe prepared, o some mariner taken vp, of some armour prouided, of some Artillerie mounted, of 0