Obseruations vpon the fiue first bookes of Cæsars commentaries setting fourth the practise of the art military in the time of the Roman Empire : wherein are handled all the chiefest point of their discipline, with the true reason of euery part, together with such instructions as may be drawn from their proceedings, for the better direction of our moderne warres
Edmondes, Clement, Sir, 1566 or 7-1622., Caesar, Julius. De bello Gallico. English. Abridgments.


Cicero sendeth to Caesar, at whose comming the siege was raised, and the Galles ouerthrowne.

AT length Cicero found meanes, by a Gall to aduertise Caesar of the danger wherein he was: who speedily hasted with two legions to giue him succour; the Neruij vnderstanding of Caesars approach, forsooke the siege and went to meet him. Caesar finding the enemy to be 60000. strong, and himselfe not to haue aboue 7000. men, incamped himselfe in a place of aduantage; and sought by counterfeiting feare, to draw the enemy to come and assault his campe, which he handled with that dexteritie, that the Galles came vp vnto him, with a full assurance of victory: but Caesar sending out two sallies at two seueral gates of the campe, ouerthrew the greatest part of them, and dispossest the rest of their armes; and so ended that war.

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