Obseruations vpon the fiue first bookes of Cæsars commentaries setting fourth the practise of the art military in the time of the Roman Empire : wherein are handled all the chiefest point of their discipline, with the true reason of euery part, together with such instructions as may be drawn from their proceedings, for the better direction of our moderne warres
Edmondes, Clement, Sir, 1566 or 7-1622., Caesar, Julius. De bello Gallico. English. Abridgments.


THis one example may serue to shew the excellencie of the Romaine discipline, and the wisedome of the first founders of that Arte: for they perceiuing that the fortune of warres consisted chiefelie in the mastering of particular occurrences, trained their souldiers in that forme of discipline, as might struggle with inconueniences, and strong opposi∣tions of contradicting accidents; and so ouerwage all difficulties and hinderan∣ces, with a constant perseueration and a courage inuincible. For the great at∣tempting spirit of an ambitious commāder, that seeketh to ouertop the trophes of honour, with the memorie of his exploites, will quickly perish by his owne direction, if the instruments of execution be weaker, then the meanes which Page  196 lead him to his dessignments. For where the waight is greater then the strength, the engine will sooner breake, then lift it vp. Let a discreet leader therefore so leuell his thoughts, that his resolution may not exceede the abilitie of his parti∣cular means; but first let him be well assured what his souldiers can doe, before he resolue what he will doe: or otherwise, let him so inable them by discipline and instructions, according to the example of the old Romans, that their worth maie answere the height of his desires and follow his aspiring minde, with a re∣solution grounded vpon knowledge and valour; and so making their ability the ground of his dessignes, he shall neuer faile of meanes to performe what he in∣tendeth. The want of this consideration hath, within these late yeares, repaide our commanders in many partes of Christendome with losse and dishonour; when as they measured the humour of their poore needie and vndisciplined souldier, by the garbe of their ambitious thoughtes, and so laide such proiects of difficultie, as were verie vnsutable in the particularitie of occurrences to that, which their souldiers were fit to execute.