Micro-cosmographie, or, A peece of the world discovered in essayes and characters.
Earle, John, 1601?-1665.
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36. A Blunt Man.

IS one whose wit is bet∣ter pointed then his be∣hauiour, and that course, and Impollisht not out of ignorance so much as hu∣mour. He is a great enemy to the fine Gentleman, and these things of Comple∣ment, and hates ceremonie in conuersation, as the Pu∣ritan in Religion. Hee di∣stinguishes not betwixt faire and double-dealing, and suspects all smooth∣nesse for the dresse of kna∣uerie. Hee starts at the en∣counter of a Salutation, as an assault, and beseeches Page  [unnumbered] you in choller to forbeare your courtesie. Hee loues not any thing in Discourse that comes before the pur∣pose, and is alwaies suspici∣ous of a Preface. Himselfe fals rudely still on his mat∣ter without any circum∣stance, except hee vse an old Prouerbe for an Intro∣duction. He sweares olde out of date innocent othes, as by the Masse, by our Ladie, and such like; and though there bee Lords present, hee cryes my Ma∣sters. Hee is exceedingly in loue with his Humour, which makes him alwayes professe and proclaime it, and you must take what he Page  [unnumbered] sayes patiently, because he is a plaine man. His nature is his excuse still and other mens Tyrant for hee must speake his mind, and that is his worst, and craues your perdon most iniuri∣ously for not Pardoning you. His Iests best become him, because they come from him rudely and vnaf∣fected: and hee has the lucke commonly to haue them famous. Hee is one that will doe more then he will speake, and yet speake more then hee will heare: for though hee loue to touch others, hee is teachy himselfe, and seldome to his own abuses replyes but Page  [unnumbered] with his Fists. Hee is as squeazie of his commenda∣tions as his courtesie, and his good word is like an E∣logie in a Satyre. Hee is generally better fauour'd then hee fauours, as be∣ing commonly well ex∣pounded in his bitternesse, and no man speaks treason more securely. Hee chides great men with most bold∣nesse, and is counted for it an honest fellow. Hee is grumbling much in the behalfe of the Common-wealth, and is in Prison oft for it with credit. Hee is generally honest, but more generally thought so, and his downe-right∣nesse Page  [unnumbered] credits him, as a man not wel bended and crook∣ned to the times. In con∣clusion, hee is not easily bad, in whom this quali∣tie is Nature, but the coun∣terfeit is most dangerous since he is disguis'd in a hu∣mour, that professes not to disguise.