The lavves resolutions of womens rights: or, The lavves prouision for woemen A methodicall collection of such statutes and customes, with the cases, opinions, arguments and points of learning in the lavv, as doe properly concerne women. Together with a compendious table, whereby the chiefe matters in this booke contained, may be the more readily found.
Edgar, Thomas, lawyer., Doddridge, John, Sir, 1555-1628., I. L.

SECT. VII. Diuers appeales for one felony is but in few Cases.

BY the ancient Law one might haue diuers appeales, against the principall, one▪ and against the accessory, another, as appeares by the old Writers. And 28. E. 3. fol. 90. But since that time the Law hath béene changed, so that vnlesse in a few speciall cases a man can haue but one appeale, which must comprehend both principals and acesaries. And therefore 9. Her. 4. fol. 1. in appeae against two, whereof the one was present, and the other appeared not, the Plaintiffe declared against theoth, and the Law which compelleth to declare at one time a∣gainst all the appeales, compelleth to make but one ap∣peale. The case was, 47. E. 3. that a woman brought an appeale against one as prinipall, which was attainted and hanged at her suit▪ and then shée brought an appeale against two others of the same fellony, against one, as Page  348 principall, and against another, as accessary, and awarded que el prendrariens {per}son breif.

And so should it haue béene if the first appealée had béene acquit, or if the appellant had béene at non-suit after ap∣pearance. 47. E. 3. to 18. and sée more of this matter Stm∣ford li▪ 2. cap. 15.