Here begynneth the boke of the cyte of ladyes the whiche boke is deuyded into. iij. partes. The fyrst parte telleth howe and by whom the walle and the cloystre about the cyte was made. The second parte telleth howe and by whom the cyte was buylded within and peopled. The thyrde parte telleth howe and by whom the hyghe battylmentes of the towres were parfytely made, and what noble ladyes were ordeyned to dwell in ye hyghe palayces and hyghe dongeons. And ye fyrst chapyter telleth howe and by whom and by what mouynge the sayd cyte was made.
- Title
- Here begynneth the boke of the cyte of ladyes the whiche boke is deuyded into. iij. partes. The fyrst parte telleth howe and by whom the walle and the cloystre about the cyte was made. The second parte telleth howe and by whom the cyte was buylded within and peopled. The thyrde parte telleth howe and by whom the hyghe battylmentes of the towres were parfytely made, and what noble ladyes were ordeyned to dwell in ye hyghe palayces and hyghe dongeons. And ye fyrst chapyter telleth howe and by whom and by what mouynge the sayd cyte was made.
- Author
- Christine, de Pisan, ca. 1364-ca. 1431.
- Publication
- [Imprynted at London :: In Poules churchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte by Henry Pepwell,
- In ye yere of our lorde. M.CCCCC.xxj. The. xxvj. day of October. And the. xij. yere of the reygne of our louerayne lorde kynge Henry the. viij. [1521]]
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"Here begynneth the boke of the cyte of ladyes the whiche boke is deuyded into. iij. partes. The fyrst parte telleth howe and by whom the walle and the cloystre about the cyte was made. The second parte telleth howe and by whom the cyte was buylded within and peopled. The thyrde parte telleth howe and by whom the hyghe battylmentes of the towres were parfytely made, and what noble ladyes were ordeyned to dwell in ye hyghe palayces and hyghe dongeons. And ye fyrst chapyter telleth howe and by whom and by what mouynge the sayd cyte was made." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 12, 2025.
- title page
part - 1
- illustration
- ¶ Here begynneth the table of the fyrste parte of this present boke.
- ¶ Here after foloweth the Prologue of the prynter.
- illustration
- ¶ Here begynneth the fyrste chapytre whiche tel∣leth howe & by whome the Cyte of Ladyes was fyrst begon to buylde. Capitulo. Primo.
¶ Xp̄ine telleth howe .iii. ladyes appered to her / & howe she y
t wente before reasoned with her fyrste and comforted her of the dyspleasure that she had Capitulo. Secundo. -
¶ Xp̄ine sayth howe that the lady that reasoned with her deuysed what was her propryete & wher of she serued / and tolde her howe she sholde buyl∣de a cyte with y
e helpe of these .iij. ladyes. Ca. iij. -
¶ Xp̄ine telleth howe the lady deuyfed to her the Cyte that was commytted to her to make and y
t she was stabled to helpe her to begyn the walles and the cloystre aboute / and after tolde her her na∣me. Capitulo .iiij. - ¶ Here Xp̄ine telleth howe the seconde lady tolde her her name / and wherof she serued / and howe she sholde helpe her to make the masonry of the cy¦te of Ladyes. Ca. v.
- ¶ Here Xp̄ine telleth howe the thyrde lady tolde her what she was and wherfore she serued / and howe she wolde helpe her to make the hyghe ba∣taylmentes of the towres of her Cyte and to peo∣ple it with noble ladyes. Ca. vi.
- ¶ Here Xp̄ine telleth howe she spake to to the .iij. ladyes. Ca. vij.
- ¶ Here Xp̄ine telleth howe by the commaunde∣ment of dame Reason she began to dygge the er∣the to make the foundement. Ca. viij.
¶ Here Xp̄ine telleth howe she dygged in y
e erthe whiche is to vnderstande the questyons that she made to Reason / any howe reason answered her. Capitulo .ix. - ¶ Also of the same altrycacyons and answeres. Capitulo .x.
- ¶ Xp̄ine demaundeth of Reason wherfore it is that women sytteth not in the syege of pleadynge Capitulo .xj.
¶ Here it speketh of y
e Empresse Nyehole & after of dyuers noble quenes and pryncesses of Fraun¦ce. Capitulo .xij. - ¶ Of the quene of Fraunce whiche was named Fredegonde. Ca. xiij.
- ¶ Of altercacyons and argumentes of Xp̄ine to dame Reason. Ca. xiiij.
- ¶ Of the quene Semyramys. Ca. xv.
- ¶ Of the Amozones. Capitulo .xvi.
¶ Of y
e quene of Amozonye Thamaris. Ca. xvii. -
¶ Howe the stronge Hercules & Theseus wente vpon the Amozones and howe the .ij. ladyes Me nal
pe and ypolyte had almoost ouercome them Capitulo .xviij. - ¶ Of the quene Pantassylea howe she wente to the socours of Troye. Ca. xix.
- ¶ Of Cenobye quene of Palmurenes. Ca. xx.
¶ Of Lylye moder of y
e good knyght Thyerrys. Capitulo .xxj. - ¶ Of the quene of Fraunce Fredegonde. Ca. xxij.
- ¶ Of the mayde Camylle. Ca. xxiij.
¶ Of y
e quene Ueronycle of Capadoce. Ca. xxiiij. - ¶ Of the noble Archemyse quene of Carye. Capitulo .xxv.
- ¶ Of the hardynesse of Cleolis. Ca. xxvj.
- ¶ Xp̄ine demaundeth of Reason yf euer god lyste to make a woman so noble to haue ony vnderstā dynge of the hyghnesse of scyence. Ca. xxvii.
¶ Of women y
t were enlumyned of grete scyen∣ces & fyrst of y• noble mayde Cornyfye. Ca. xxviii. - ¶ Of Probe the Romayne. Ca. xxix.
- ¶ Of Sapho poete and phylosophre. Ca. xxx.
- ¶ Of the mayde Manthoa. Ca. xxxj.
- ¶ Of Medea and another quene named Cyrtes Capitulo .xxxij.
- ¶ Xp̄ine asketh of Reason yf there was euer wo∣man that founde ony thynge of herselfe that was not knowne before / and she tolde her of Nycostra te otherwyse called Carmentis. Ca. xxxiij.
- ¶ Of Mynerue that founde many scyen∣ces / and the maner to make Armoure of Iron and steele. Ca. xxxiiij.
- ¶ Of the ryght noble quene Seres. Ca. xxxv.
¶ Of the noble quene I
es that founde fyrste the crafte to make Orchardes and to plan te plantes. Ca. xxxvj. - ¶ Of the grete welthe that is come to the worl∣de by dyuers ladyes. Ca. xxxvij.
- ¶ Of the same. Capitulo .xxxviij.
- ¶ Of the mayden Arenye that founde the crafte to shere sheepe / to dresse the wolles / and to make clothe. Ca. xxxix.
- ¶ Of Pamphyle that founde the crafte to drawe sylke of the wormes. Ca. xl.
- ¶ Of Thamar that was a souerayne maystresse in the crafte of payntynge / and of another named Irayne. Ca. xli.
- ¶ Here it speketh of Semproyne. Ca. xlij.
- ¶ Here Xp̄ine asketh of Reason yf naturall prudē ce be in woman. Ca. xliij.
- ¶ The epystle of Salamon in the boke of prouer¦bes. Ca. xliiij.
- ¶ Here it speketh of Gay Cyryle. Ca. xlv.
¶ Here it speketh of the aduyse of Dydo quene of Cartage. Ca. xlv
. - ¶ Here it speketh of Opis. Ca. xlvij.
- ¶ Of Lauyne doughter of the kynge Latyn. Capitulo .xlviij.
part - 2
- ¶ Here after foloweth the table or rubrysshes of the seconde partye of this boke / whiche telleth howe / and by whome the Cyte was buylded within and peopled.
¶ Here begynneth the seconde partye of the boke of y
e Cyte of Ladyes the whiche telleth howe & by whome the Cyte was buylded within and peopled. And ye fyrst chapytre speketh of ye .v. Sybylles. Capitulo. Primo. - ¶ Here it speketh of Sybyll Erytee. Ca. ij.
- ¶ Of the Sybyll Almethea. Ca. iij.
- ¶ Of dyders ladyes prophetes. Ca. iiij.
- ¶ Of Nycostrate / and of others. Ca. v.
- ¶ Here it speketh of Anthonye that became Em∣presse. Capitulo .vj.
- ¶ Here Xp̄ine speketh to ryghtwysnes. Ca. vii.
¶ Here it begynneth to speke of doughtes y
t loued fader and moder / and fyrst of Drypetrue. Ca. viij. - ¶ Of Isyphyle. Ca. ix.
- ¶ Of the mayde Claudyne. Ca. x.
- ¶ Here it speketh of a woman that gaue her mo∣der sowke in the pryson. Ca. xi.
- ¶ Here ryghtwysnesse sayth that she hathe acche∣ued the stone werke of the Cyte / and it is tyme to people it. Ca. xij.
¶ Here Xp̄ine asketh of dame ryghtwysnesse yf y
• be true y• these bokes & these men sayth yt the lyfe of maryage is harde to bere for ye occasyon of womē & to theyr grete wronge. And ryghtwysnesse an∣swereth & begynneth to speke of the grete loue of women to theyr husbandes. Ca. xiij. -
¶ Here it speketh of y
e quene Hypsytrace. Ca. xiiij. - ¶ Of the Empresse Tryayre. Ca. xv.
- ¶ Of the quene Archemyse. Ca. xvi.
- ¶ Of Argyne doughter of the kynge Adrastus. Capitulo .xvij.
- ¶ Of the noble lady Egryppyne. Ca. xviij.
¶ Here Xp̄ine speketh / and ryght wysnes answe∣reth gyuynge ensamples of the noble lady Iulye doughter of Iulyus Cesar / wyfe of y
e prynce Pom¦pee. Capitulo .xix. - ¶ Of the noble lady Tyerce Emulyene. Ca. xx.
- ¶ Of Uancyppe wyfe of the phylosopre Socra∣tes. Capitulo .xxj.
- ¶ Of Pompe Paulyne / wyfe of Seneke Capitulo .xxij.
- ¶ Of the noble Sulpyce. Ca. xxiij.
- ¶ Here it speketh of dyuers ladyes that respyted theyr husbandes fro the dethe. Ca. xxiiij.
¶ Here Xp̄ine speketh to dame ryght wysnesayen ste them that sayth that women can not kepe noo counsayle. And the answere y
t she maketh of Por∣cya. Capitulo .xxv. - ¶ And yet of the same matter / & speketh of the no∣ble lady Curya. Ca. xxvj.
- ¶ yet of the same purpose. Ca. xxvij.
- ¶ Proues ayenst them that say that a man is but lewde that byleueth the counsayle of his wyfe / or taketh ony hede therto. Ca. xxviij.
¶ Here it speketh of them y
t there is good comyn∣ge of it that byleueth yt counsayle of theyr wyues / and gyueth ensample of dyuers ladyes. Ca. xxix. - ¶ Here it speketh of the grete welthe that is come to the worlde and euery daye cometh by the cause of women. Ca. xxx.
- ¶ Of Iudyth that noble lady. Ca. xxxj.
- ¶ Of the worshypfull quene Hester. Ca. xxxij.
- ¶ Of the ladyes of Sabyne. Ca. xxxiij.
- ¶ Of Uetury the noble lady of Rome. Ca. xxxiiij.
- ¶ Of the quene of Fraunce Crotylde. Ca. xxxv.
¶ Here it speketh ayenst them y
t say yt is not good that women sholde lerne letters. Ca. xxxvi. -
¶ Here Xp̄ine to ryghtwysnesse and she answere∣th agaynst them y
t sae there be but fewe women chaste / and telleth of Susanne. Ca. xxxvij. - ¶ Of Sarra the wyfe of Abraham. Ca. xxxviij.
- ¶ Of Rebecca. Capitulo .xxxix.
- ¶ Of the noble woman Ruth. Ca. xl.
- ¶ Of Penolope wyfe of Ulyxes. Ca. xlj.
- ¶ Here it speketh ayenst them that saye that it is a payne for to fynde ony fayre woman chaste. Capitulo .xlij.
- ¶ Also the same purpose of Anthony wyfe of Dru se Tybere broder of the noble Emperoure Nero. Capitulo. .xliij.
- ¶ Here it speketh agaynst them that saythe that women wolde be rauysshed / and gy∣ueth ensamples of dyuers / and fyrste it speketh of the noble and worthy lady Lucresse. wyfe of Tarquyne Colla∣tyn. Capitulo .xliiij.
¶ Of the same purpose of y
e quene of Gausegres. Capitulo .xlv. -
¶ yet of the same / and of y
e ladyes of Sycambres and other maydens. Ca. xlvj. -
¶ Proues agaynst that y
t one speketh of y• incon∣staunce of women. Xp̄ine speketh & ryghtwysnes answereth of y• inconstaunce and fragylyte of dy∣uers Emperoures. Ca. xlvij. - ¶ Of Nero the cruell Emperoure. Ca. xlviij.
- ¶ Of the Emperoure and of others. Ca. xlix.
- ¶ Of Grysylde Marquys of Saluce a woman of grete vertue / and specyally in pacyence. Ca. l.
- ¶ Of Florence of Rome. Ca. lj.
- ¶ Of the wyfe of Barnabo the Geneuoys. Capitulo .lij.
- ¶ Here it sheweth howe after that / that Ryghtwysnesse had tolde of these con∣staunce / my lady Xp̄ine asked her yf it be true that dyuers men saye that there ben but fewe women true in theyr amourouse lyfe / and therto āswered ryghtwys∣nes. Capitulo .liij.
¶ Here it speketh of Dydo quene of Cartage to y
• purpose y• loue is stable in a woman. Ca. liiij. - ¶ Of Medea the true Louer. Ca. lv.
- ¶ Of Tysbe the mayden. Ca▪ lvj.
- ¶ Of the good woman Hero. Ca. lvij.
- ¶ Of Sysmonde doughter of the prynce of Sa∣lerne. Ca. lviij.
- ¶ Of Lyzabeth and of other louers. Ca. lix.
- ¶ Of Iuno & of other dyuers ladyes of renow∣ne. Ca. lx.
- ¶ Here speketh Xp̄ine / and ryghtwysnesse answe reth ayenst them that women drawe mē to them by theyr gaynesse. Ca. lxj.
- ¶ Of Claudyne a woman of Rome. Ca. lxij.
- ¶ Howe they lye not vpon some womē for so mo che thoughe they delyte them in fayre clothynge & araye. Ca. lxiij.
¶ Of quene Blaunche moder of saynt Lewes & o
other good women loued for theyr vertues. Capitulo .lxiiij. - ¶ Xp̄ine asketh & ryght wysnes answereth ayenst them that saye that women by nature ben scarse. Capitulo .lxv.
- ¶ Of the ryche lady and lyberall named Buyse. Capitulo .lxvj.
- ¶ Of pryncesses & of ladyes of Fraūce. Ca. lxvij.
- ¶ Xp̄ine speketh to all pryncesses ladyes / & to all women. Ca. .lxviij.
part - 3
¶ Here begynneth the table of y
e thyrde parte of this boke / the whiche speketh howe & by whome the hyghe batylmentes of ye towres of ye Cyte of Ladyes were perfourmed / & what noble ladyes were chosen for to dwelle in ye hyghe & grete pa∣lays and hyghe dongeons. -
¶ Here begynneth the thyrde parte of the boke of the Cyte of Ladyes / whiche telleth howe and by whome the hyghe bataylementes of the towres were made & perfourmed / & what noble ladyes were chosen to enhabyte the hyghe palays and y
e hyghe dongeons. - ¶ The fyrst chapytre telleth howe Iustyce ledde the quene of heuen to enhabyte and lordeshyp in the Cyte of ladyes. Capitulo. Primo.
- ¶ Of the Systers of our Lady & of Mary Mag∣daleyne. Ca. secundo.
- ¶ Of saynt Katheryne the holy vyrgyne. Ca. iij.
- ¶ Of saynt Margarete. Ca. iiij.
- ¶ Of the holy vyrgyne saynt Luce. Ca. v.
¶ Of y
e blessyd vyrgyne saynt Martyne. Ca. vj. - ¶ Of saynt Luce of Syracuse. Ca. vij.
- ¶ Of saynt Iustyne. Ca. viii.
- ¶ Of the vyrgyne Theodosyne / Saynt Barba∣ra / and saynt Dorothe. Ca. ix.
- ¶ The lyfe of saynt Xp̄ine vyrgyne and martyre. Capitulo .x.
¶ Of dyuers sayntes whiche y
• sawe theyr chyl∣dren martyred before them. Ca. xj. - ¶ Of saynt Maryne the holy vyrgyne. Ca. xij.
¶ Of the moost holy and blestyd vyrgyne Eu
ra syne. Capitulo .xiij. - ¶ Of the blyssed lady Anastase and her felowes Ca. xiiij.
- ¶ Of saynt Theodore the vyrgyne. Ca. xv.
- ¶ Of the noble Natalye. Ca. xvj.
- ¶ Of the holy and blessyd Saynt Affra. Capitulo .xvij.
- ¶ Here telleth Iustyce of dyuers ladyed whiche serued and lodged the appostles and other sayn∣tes. Capitulo .xviii.
- ¶ Here Xp̄ine speketh vnto the ladyes in the ende of the boke. Ca. xix.
¶ Here begynneth the table of y
- colophon
- printer's device of Henry Pepwell