Idea the shepheards garland Fashioned in nine eglogs. Rowlands sacrifice to the nine Muses.

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Idea the shepheards garland Fashioned in nine eglogs. Rowlands sacrifice to the nine Muses.
Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631.
Imprinted at London :: [By T. Orwin] for Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling in Pauls Churchyarde, at the signe of the black Beare,

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"Idea the shepheards garland Fashioned in nine eglogs. Rowlands sacrifice to the nine Muses." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


Oh diuine loue, which so aloft canst raise, And lift the minde out of this earthly mire, And do'st inspire the pen with so hie prayse, As with the heauens doth equal mans desire.
Thou lightning flame of sacred Poesie, Whose furie doth incense the swelling braines, As drawes to thee by heauen-bred Sympathie, The sweete delights of highest soaring vaines:
Who doth not helpe to deck thy holy Shrine, With Mirtle, and triumphant Lawrell tree? Who will not say that thou art most diuine? Or who doth not confesse thy deitie?
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