BRead, signifieth all things whereby this life is preserued, as Meate, Drinke, Clothing, Health, Peace, Li∣bertie: yea, Goates milke. Pro. 27.27. and the fruit of Trées. Ierem. 11.19.
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BRead, signifieth all things whereby this life is preserued, as Meate, Drinke, Clothing, Health, Peace, Li∣bertie: yea, Goates milke. Pro. 27.27. and the fruit of Trées. Ierem. 11.19.
Genes. 1.29. And all things that passe too and fro in trafficke. Pro. 31.14.
In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate thy bread. Gen. 3.19.
Man liueth not by bread onely, &c. Math. 4.
Iesus entred into the house of a cer∣taine Pharisie, to eate bread, Luk. 14.
Christ vseth this word (Bread) rather then Flesh, Victuals, Meate, Dainties, Varieties, &c. to instruct vs to christian Sobrietie and moderation in our diet, houses, &c. and to teach vs to be content with a little, and to be content if wée haue no more but Bread, that is, things necessary to preserue life: and more∣ouer, that wée should take that fare thankfully, how thinne so euer it were, which hée of his mercy hath prouided for vs, not murmuring against it, nor fretting through impatience, as the Is∣raelites did, who loathed Manna, which they had receiued of God for their pre∣sent necessitie. Phil. 4.12. 1 Tim. 6.8. Heb. 13 5.
Wee may vse things not onely for necessitie, but also for honest pleasure,
Psal. 104.15. Iohn 12.3. But notwith∣standing if wée haue to defend necessi∣ties we must be content. 1 Tim. 6.8.