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Title:  The decades of the newe worlde or west India conteynyng the nauigations and conquestes of the Spanyardes, with the particular description of the moste ryche and large landes and ilandes lately founde in the west ocean perteynyng to the inheritaunce of the kinges of Spayne. ... Wrytten in the Latine tounge by Peter Martyr of Angleria, and translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden.
Author: Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526.
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holow trees consumed within eyther by fyre or rotten for age Suche as dwell neare the sea syde, fysshe more luckyly then cunnyngly, and in the stead of frutes, reserue in store fysshes dryed with smoke, They are of smaule stature of body, with starre visagies, pale and wannye coloure, and very swyfte of foote. Their wittes or dispositions, are not knowen to the Moscouites theyr bortherers, who thynke it therfore a mad∣nesse to assayle them with a smaule poure,Armeline fur¦res. and iudge it ney∣ther profitable nor glorious, with greate armies to inuade a poore and beggerly nation. They exchunge the most whyte furres which wee caule Armelines for other wares of dyuers sortes:Bargeninge withowt wor¦des. Yet so, that they flie the syght and coompanie of all marchauntes. For comparynge and layinge theyr wares to∣gether, and leauynge theyr furres in a mydde place, they bar∣geyne with simple fayth, with absente and vnknowen men.The darke re¦gion by ths darke region and the Pig∣mets the way to Ca∣thay by the Northe sea. Sum men of great credite and autoritie, doo testifie that in a region beyond the Lappones, betwene the west and the north oppressed with perpetuall darkenes, is the nation of the peo∣ple cauled Pigei, who beinge growen to theyr ful grought, doo scarsely excede the stature of owre chyldren of ten yeares of age. It is a fearefull kynde of menne, and expresse theyr wordes in such chatteryng sort that they seeme to be so much the more lyke vnto apes, in howe muche they dyffer in sence and staure from men of iust heyght.Towarde the North, innumerable people are subiecte to thempire of the Moscouites. Theyr regions extende to the Scythian Ocean for the space of almoste three moonethes iorney.The cythia Ocean.Nx vnto Moscouia, is the region of Colmogora aboun¦dyng with frutes.The region of comogora. Through this runneth the ryuer of Diuid¦na beinge one of the greateste that is knowen in the Northe partes, and gaue the name to an other lee ryuer wich brea∣keth furthe ino the sea Baltheum.She ryuer of diuidna. This increasynge a cr∣teyne tymes of the yeare as dooth the ryuer Nilus, our low∣eth the feldes and playnes, and with his fat and nurishinge moysture, dooth maruelously reist the iniuries of heauen and the sharpe bastes of the North wynde. When it ryseth by rea∣son of molten snowe and greate shoures of rayne, it faulth into the Ocean by vnknowen nations, and with so large a trenche lyke vnto a greate sea, that it can not bee sayled ouer 0