*. The vse of the Sea, is Common, but not the Iurisdiction of the Sea. And yet, the same, may be Praescribed: And the Proprietie ther∣of fall to the Title Royall. Vide Cepo∣lam Tractat, de Seru. Rust. Cap. 26. Fol. 95. columna. 2. This is Bartolus opinion, recorded by Cepola. Habentes Iurisdictio∣nem in Territorio Co∣herente Mari, dicun∣tur habere Iurisdicti∣onem etiam in Mari Vicino, vs{que} ad Cen∣tum milliaria: & pos∣sunt ita Capere & pu∣nire Delinquentes in Mari, vs{que} ad Cen∣tum milliaria, Sicut in Terra, in suo terri∣torio. Quod Nota: quia habui de facto pro Venetis contra Ia∣nuenses. Bart. Cepo∣la. Tractatu Rust. Praediorum. Cap. 26. Habentes Iurisdictio∣nem in Terra, habent etiam Iurisdictionem, in Mari & eius In∣sulis, valde remotis, DVMMODO alteri loco terrestri non sint magis pro∣pinqnae: Angelus, in Lege, Insulae Italiae, ff. de Iudicijs, &c. Vide Cepolam Cap. 26. vbi de Confinio in Mari statuendo, aeque vt in Terra. Which commeth nere to the AEqui∣tie of this Philoso∣phicall Iudgment, for the Determining of the Royall Bry∣tish Sea Limits.

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