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Title:  A booke of Christian prayers, collected out of the auncie[n]t writers, and best learned in our tyme, worthy to be read with an earnest mynde of all Christians, in these daungerous and troublesome dayes, that God for Christes sake will yet still be mercyfull vnto vs
Author: Day, Richard, b. 1552.
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nor to distrust thy promyses which art the truth, and performest whatsoeuer thou promysest: nor to rest in any other thing then theé, which art the way, be∣yond which there is nothing to be de∣sired, neither in heauen nor in earth. By theé we haue learned the sure and redy way to true saluation, to the intēt we should not wander any longer vp and down in the mazes of this world. Thou hast taught vs throughly what to beleue, what to doe, what to hope, and wherin to rest.We haue learned of theé how vngra∣tiously we be borne of the first Adam. We haue learned of theé, that there is no hope of saluation, but by beleéfe in theé: and that thou art the only light which shineth before vs all, as we ior∣ney through ye wildernes of this world & through the night of our own harts, from the darcknes of Egipt, to that blessed land which thou hast promysed When Ioseph was come to his brethren, they strip him, &c. Gen. 37.So they toke vp Ionas and cast him into the sea and the sea, &c. Ionas.He layd it in a tomb out of a rocke wherin was neuer man yet layd. And that day was the reparing of the Sa∣both, & the Saboth re on. The women that folowed after &c. Luke. 23.0