A booke of Christian prayers, collected out of the auncie[n]t writers, and best learned in our tyme, worthy to be read with an earnest mynde of all Christians, in these daungerous and troublesome dayes, that God for Christes sake will yet still be mercyfull vnto vs
Day, Richard, b. 1552.


O Iesu, the framer and creator of the world, whom no measure can comprehend within bounds, and which holdest the earth in thy hand, call to minde thy most bitter payn which thou didst indure when they nayled thy most holy hands to the crosse, & likewise strake through thy most tender feet, making thy woūds still more and more paynfull, because thou wast not agreeable to their fan∣cy: and so drawing and retching out thy body to the length and bredth of the crosse, that they loosened all the sinewes of thy members.

Euery one liuing shall dye presently.

Heauen, earth, & all elementes shall burne.

The dead shall rise.


Page  82I beseech thee graunt that my con∣tinuall minding of this thy most holy and bitter paynes vpon the crosse, may cause me to stand in awe of thee, and also to loue thee, Amen.