The good husvvifes ievvell VVherein is to be found most excellent and rare deuises for conceits in cookerie, found out by the practise of Thomas Dawson. Whereunto is adioyned sundry approued reseits for many soueraine oyles, and the way to distill many precious waters, with diuers approued medicines for many diseases. Also certaine approued points of husbandry, very necessarie for all husbandmen to know.
Dawson, Thomas.

To make a tart that is a courage to man or woman.

TAke two Quinces, and two or three Burre rootes, and a Potaton, and pare your Potaton, and scrape your rootes and put them into a quart of wine, and let them boyle till they be tender, & put in an ounce of Dates, and when they be boyled tender, Drawe them through a strainer, wine and all, and then put in the yolkes of eight Egges, and the braines of thrée or foure cocke Sparrowes, and streine them into Page  21 the other, and a litle Rose water, and seeth them all with Sugar, Synamom and gin∣ger, and Cloues and mace, and put in a li∣tle sweete butter and set it vpon a chafing∣dish of Coles betweene two platters, and so let it boyle till it be something bigge.