Wittes pilgrimage, (by poeticall essaies) through a vvorld of amorous sonnets, soule-passions, and other passages, diuine, philosophicall, morall, poeticall, and politicall. By Iohn Dauies
Davies, John, 1565?-1618.

Candidae musarum ianuae:

AMong the faults we fell to by our fall
No one diuides vs more from Piety
Then doth self-Loue, which is the sum of all
The fowl Deformities we caught thereby:
Hence flow our Follies, and crimescapitall;
Page  [unnumbered] This Fount (wherein, [Narcissus-like] we looke)
Drownes vs in Blame, which Heaun, nor Earth can brook.
Hence is it that we others glorious Guifts
Do hold as base; and ours [though meer Defects]
We do adore: and vse all cnnning shifts
To haue them held for glorious Effects!
To this tend all our [Wit-purloyning] Drifts,
Which we in others, held nor Wit, nor Sense:
But, being Ours (Stolne) both haue excellence.
Hence is it that we can no more eudure
Another praises, then our owne dispraise:
Hence, seek we others blemish to procure,
That, on their foile, we may our glory raise:
We cannot shine▪ directly being obscure:
Then, indirectly do we send some Beames
Of glory-vaine, on Self-loues vainer Streames.
Hence, Men of Art depraue each others Skill,
Sith it they view with Luciferian Eyes:
Hence, Poets do each others praises kill
With keen Inuectiues that from hence arise:
Hence, spare thay none whom they haue powr to spill:
And they haue powr to spill themselues, and all
[If they be great] that stand but neer their fall.
That Poets should be made to vomit words]
(As being so rawe Wittes Mawe could not disgest]
Hath to Wittes praise, bin as so many Swords
To kill it quite in earnest, and in Iest:
Then, to vntrusse him [before Knights, and Lords]
VVhose Muse hath power to vnrusse what not?
VVas a vaine cast, though cast to hitt a Blott.
O Imps of Phoebus, whie, ô why doe yee
imploy the Pow'r of your Diuinity
(Which should but foyle Vice from which we should flee▪)
Vpon impeaching your owne Quality?
O grace the gracelesse, you that glorious bee:
Who cannot grace your selues more then to give▪
A large allowance poore wittes to relieue.