A short discourse of the life of seruingmen plainly expressing the way that is best to be followed, and the meanes wherby they may lawfully challenge a name and title in that vocation and fellowship. With certeine letters verie necessarie for seruingmen, and other persons to peruse. With diuerse pretie inuentions in English verse. Hereunto is also annexed a treatise, concerning manners and behauiours.
Darell, Walter., Della Casa, Giovanni, 1503-1556. Galateo. English.

W. D. to his friends, exhorting them to beware in time.

MY secrete griefes bewray my minde,
I sigh to thinke on passed youth,
Bent so to pleasures of the worlde,
Respecting profit vaine forsooth.
I serude in hope of Courtly gift,
No whitt estéeming crooked age:
Gréene youth did hedlong runne so swift,
I lamde my selfe in fansies barge.
No care I tooke, I sailde on still,
(God wott) to hauen of vaine delight:
Untill that reason sett vpp saile,
Prouoking will to banishe quight.
Hence slowly sailde my broken Barke,
And waiteth time till Fortune please.
The Tackels torne, the Maste emaind,
Halfe spoyled in the furging Seas.
By Mermaides singing past shée foorth,
Inuirond rounde with gaping iawes,
Nowe Neptune King helpe thou (quoth witt,)
I fall into their gaping iawes.
Nowe like to shippe on boyling Seas, *
Compare I youth and gadding yeares,
On daungers tost a thousand wayes,
Unlesse the helme good counsell steares.
Regarding sporte, I speilde my youth,
Time wild me thinke on withered age:
When pinching colde shall nippe thy limmes,
Howe wilt thou shunne his angrie rage?
Eschewe to drinke on wanton cuppe,
Remember yeares do waste away:
Eschewe eche mate of Uenus troope, *
Ne care thou for such wanton play.
Page  [unnumbered] And quite detest all fansies fonde,
Unfolde the tables of thy life:
Giue vp thy right of childish yeares,
Haue care to gett for wedded wife.
To turne in time is wisedome greate,
In wishing when it is too late,
Shall cause thée fall in déepe decaye,
And bring thy ende to wretched state.
Where wealth doeth want, there friendship colde:
Example séene by daily proofe,
Bought witt is deare, (the Prouerbe sayes:)
Unstayed heads will soare aloofe.
Trust not thy foe once reconcilde,
Unlesse thou séeke thine owne decay,
And credite not eche glosing stile,
In trust is treason oft (men saye.)
Nowe farewell youth and wanton will,
Detesting Follir traine,
I yeld my selfe to Wisedomes skill,
Supposing pleasures to be vaine.
Proofe willes mée yelde my selfe with spéede,
Once caught in snare to shunne the trappe,
Respecting profite wisedome brings,
Then shall I sléepe in vertues lappe.

W. D.