A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ with a confutacion of sundry errors concernyng the same, grounded and stablished vpon Goddes holy woorde, [and] approued by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the Churche. Made by the moste reuerende father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterbury, primate of all Englande and Metropolitane.
Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.

*But nowe to speake somwhat more largely of the priesthode and sacrifice of Christ, he was su∣che an hygh byshop,* that he ones offeryng hym selfe, was sufficient by ones effusion of his blud, to abolyshe synne vnto the worldes end. He was so perfect a priest, that by one oblatiō he purged an infinite heape of synnes, leauyng an easy and a redy remedy for all synners, that his one sacri∣fice shulde suffise for many yeeres, vnto all men that woulde not shewe them selues vnworthye. And he toke vnto hym selfe, not onely their syn∣nes that many yeres before were deade, and put theyr truste in hym, but also the synnes of those, Page  107 that vntyl his commyng agayn, shuld truly be∣leue in his gospell. So that nowe we may loke for none other priest nor sacrifice, to take a waye our synnes, but onely hym and his sacrifice. And as he dyeng ones, was offered for all, so as mu∣che as pertayned to hym, he tooke all mens syn∣nes vnto hym selfe. So that nowe there remai∣neth no mo sacrifices for synne, but extreme iu∣gement at the last daye, whan he shall appere to vs agayne, not as a man to be punyshed agayn, and to bee made a sacrifice for our synnes (as he was before) but he shall come in his glory,* with∣out synne, to the great ioy and comforte of them, whyche be purified and made cleane by his deth, and continue in godly and innocent lyuyng, and to the greate terrour and dreade of theym that bee wycked and vngodly.

Thus the scripture teacheth, that yf Christe hadde made any oblation for synne more than ones, he shoulde haue dyed more thanne ones: for as muche as there is none oblation and sa∣crifyce for synne, but onely his deathe. And nowe there is no more oblation for synne, seyng that by hym our synnes bee remytted, and oure consciences quieted.