A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ with a confutacion of sundry errors concernyng the same, grounded and stablished vpon Goddes holy woorde, [and] approued by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the Churche. Made by the moste reuerende father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterbury, primate of all Englande and Metropolitane.
Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.

NOW THIS MATTER OF* transubstantiation being (as I trust) sufficiently resolued,* (which is the fyrst part before rehersed, wherin the papisti∣cal doctrine varieth from the catholicke truth) ordre requi¦reth next, to intreate of the seconde part (whiche is of the manner of the presence of the body and bloode of our sauiour Christe in the sacramente thereof) wherein is no lesse contention, then in the fyrste parte.

For a plaine explication wherof, it is not vnkno¦wen to all true faithfull christian people, that Page  [unnumbered] oure sauiour CHRIST (beeinge perfecte God, and in all thinges equall and coeternall wyth his father) for our sakes beecame also a per∣fect manne, takynge fleshe and bloode of his blessed mother and virgine Marye, and (sauing synne) beinge in all thinges lyke vnto vs, ad∣ioyninge vnto hys diuynitie a moste perfecte soule and a moste perfecte bodye: hys sowle be∣inge indued with lyfe, sence, wyll, reason, wys∣dome, memory, and all other thinges required to the perfect soule of man, and hys body being made of very fleshe and bones, not onlye ha∣uinge all membres of a perfecte mannes bodye in due ordre and proportion, but also beinge subiect to hunger, thyrste, laboure, sweate, we∣rines, colde, heate, and all other lyke infirmy∣ties and passions of man, and vnto death also, and that the moste vile and painefull vppon the crosse. And after his death he rose againe, with ye selfe same visible and palpable bodye, and ap∣peared therwith, and shewed the same vnto hys Apostels, and specially to Thomas, makinge him to put his handes into his syde, and to feele hys woundes.* And with the selfe same bodye, he forsooke this worlde, and ascended into hea∣uen (the Apostels seeynge and beholdinge hys body when it ascended) and nowe sytteth at the right hand of his father, and there shall remaine vntyll the laste daye, when he shal come to iudge the quick and the deade.

This is the trewe catholicke faythe, whche Page  46 the scrripture teacheth, & the vniuersal churche of Christe hathe euer beleued, frome the begyn∣nynge vntyll within these fower or fyue hun∣dreth yeares last passed, that the Byshoppe of Rome, with the assistaunce of his Papists, hath sette vp a newe faithe and beliefe of theyr owne deuising, that the same body, really, corporally, naturally, and sensiblye, is in this worlde styll, and that in an hundreth thousand places at one tyme, beynge inclosed in euerye pyxe and bread consecrated.