A defence of the true and catholike doctrine of the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ with a confutacion of sundry errors concernyng the same, grounded and stablished vpon Goddes holy woorde, [and] approued by ye consent of the moste auncient doctors of the Churche. Made by the moste reuerende father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterbury, primate of all Englande and Metropolitane.
Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.
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A DEFENCE OF THE TRVE AND CA∣tholike doctrine of the sacra∣ment of the body and bloud of our sauiour CHRIST, with a confutation of sundry errors concernyng thesame, groun∣ded and stablished vpon God∣des holy woorde, & approued by ye consent of the moste aun∣cient doctors of the Churche. Made by the moste Reuerende father in GOD THOMAS ARCHEBYSHOP of Canterbury, Primate of all ENGLANDE and Metropolitane.

Yt ys the spirite that giueth lyfe, the fleshe profiteth nothinge.
Ioannis. 6.