Catechismus, that is to say, a shorte instruction into Christian religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre[n] and yong people. Set forth by the mooste reuerende father in God Thomas Archbyshop of Canterbury, primate of all England and Metropolitane
Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556., Jonas, Justus, 1493-1555.

The first sermon of the Creation.

TO thentent good chil∣dren that you maye the better vnderstande the true Christian faythe and doctrine, you muste fyrste of all learne and knowe Page  [unnumbered] that God is a spirituall or gostly substance,* as Christ sayth Iohn the .iiii. God is not a bodily thing whiche maye be sene and felte. He is present in euery place, he seeth and beholdeth all thinges, whiche we do, speake, or thynke, and yet he is not measured with any ende, tyme or place. And forasmuche as mannes witte coulde not serche or fynde out the knowlege of thys highe misterie of the substaunce of God, Christ himselfe the sonne of God dyd open to vs that be∣leue in hym what God is. That is to say, that there is God the fa∣ther, God the sonne, and God the holy goste, three persones, and yet one true and euerlastyng God. And it is your boūdē dutie (good children) diligently to learne thys lesson. And although these thin∣ges passe all mennes capacities, Page  cx and is a doctrine harde for you to learne, yet in tyme to come you shal heare more of this matier. In the meane season beare awaye (I praye you) thys one lesson, that there is one true and euerlastinge God, and yet three persones, the father, the sonne and the holy gost And this we call the Trinitie, be∣cause these thre, the father, the son and the holy goost are one godlye substaunce. And it is a great shame for you that be christē chil∣dren, not to learne this lesson. For all you were baptised in the name of the father, and of the sonne and of the holy goost, and thereby you were made christen and the childrē of God, and obteyned remission of youre synnes. Wherfore it is your dutie to learne & knowe, in whose name you ar baptised, that so you maye truly know God and youre Page  [unnumbered] father which you haue in heauen. And this doth plainly and shortly teache vnto you the Crede. For in the Crede wherin we saye thus: I beleue in God ye father almigh∣tye. And I beleue in Iesus Christ his onely sonne, and last of all we saye. I beleue in ye holy gost, these thre sentences be asmuche to saye, as I beleue in God, whiche is the father, the sonne, and ye holy gost. Infidels and vngodly people do not knowe this, nor can vnder∣stande the same. But Christē men haue this mysterye so openlye de∣clared vnto them, in the worde of God, that babes and yong childrē may heare and learne this lesson, almost as soone as they be able to crepe out of their cradell. Where∣fore we are boūde hartely to thāke God, which hath opened vnto vs so great wisedome and mysteries. Page  cxxvii Hereby you perceaue (good chil∣derne) that in this shorte treatice called the Crede (as I said before) we be taught what God is, that is to saye, God the father, God the sonne and God the holy gost. Also herby we learne what great bene∣fytes God hath gyuen vnto vs, and howe tenderly he loueth and fauoreth vs lyke a moost gentle and mercifull father. In ye whiche knowlege, consisteth our felicitie, and blessednes. For yf we did on∣ly knowe, what God were, & dyd know nothing of his wil towarde vs, whether he were our frende or foo, fauourable or angrie, pleased or displeased with vs, then oure conscience beynge waueryng and doutful, shoulde be destitute and voide of comforte. Wherfore lysten to me dilygently good chil∣derne, that you maye knowe what Page  [unnumbered] benefites those be which god hath gyuen among you, what loue he beareth towarde you, and what is the hope of euerlastynge lyfe to the whiche we be called. The bene∣fites of God towarde vs be infy∣nite and innumerable, yet neuer∣theles as God himself is thre per∣sons, the father, the sonne and the holy gost, so there be thre specyall workes whereby he hath declared his singular loue towarde vs. The first is, that God the father hath creat & made vs of nothing, and gyuen to vs bodye and soule, and all thinges necessarye to the maintenaunce of our lyues, and hath made vs lordes ouer al erth∣ly creatures. The seconde is, that whan we were all borne in synne, God ye sonne dyd redeme vs from our synnes and wicked lyfe. The thirde is that the holy gooste Page  cxii doth renewe our hartes, sanctifye vs, and make vs the temples of God. And in these thre benefytes, gyuen vnto vs by ye thre parsons of the most blessed Trinitie, con∣sisteth the matier and effecte of the hole Crede. For this is the briefe summe of the Crede, to saye. I be∣leue in God the father, whiche did creat and make me. I beleue in God the sonne, whiche did redeme me. And I beleue in the holy gost, whiche hath sanctifyed and ha∣lowed me. For the whiche consy∣derations we entende to deuyde this our exposition made vpō the Crede, into thre partes, of ye which the first shalbe of ye Creation, the second of the Redemptiō, and the third of Sanctificatiō. And first we will entreat of the Creation, which is expressed in these wordes I beleue in God the father al∣mightie, Page  [unnumbered] maker of heauē & earth. Where note good children, that this worde (I beleue) signifyeth asmuche in this place, as I truste. So that this sentence I beleue in God the father, is asmuch to saye, as I trust in God the father, and loke assuredly to receaue all good thinges at his hande. Wherefore this is the meanyng of the forsaid artycle that we ought to put oure trust in no creature, but in the true and liuing god only. For no crea∣ture cā do vs any good or harme without the wil of him. We oure selues made not oure selues (as it is writtē in the psalme) nor we can nether saue ourselfes, nether dely∣uer vs from any perrel. Therfore we ought to put our trust in God only, sticke fast to him, hang vpon hym, and to loke for al good thin∣ges at his hande. They therfore Page  cxiii that trust in men, in theyr fauour or frēdship, they that trust in their owne learnyng, wysedome, riches, power, frendes, or any such thing, they do not truely beleue in God, truly & holly trust in him, nor loke for al good thinges from him, but rather dispise him, and worship for theyr God and make an ydole of that thynge, wherin they put their trust, and so greuously offēd god. Wherfore it must nedes be, that at the length thei must be brought to confusion and ruine that they may lerne by their owne fal and decay, that those wer but vaine thynges, wherin they put their truste & cō∣fidence, and that onely God is the sure rocke and staye, vpon whome who so euer leaneth, shall not be deceyued nor confounded. For it is the Lord god, whiche daily pou¦rethe vpon vs infinite benefites Page  [unnumbered] whiche giueth vs al thinges yt we haue nede of, & defendeth vs from all thinges yt may hurt vs ether in body or in soule. And this is ye fa∣therly loue whiche he bereth to∣ward vs, to do al goodnes toward vs, without our merites or deser∣uynges. Wherefore we ought to trust in him, yelde our selfes holly into his protection to loke for all good thinges at his hande, & with a mery harte and constant faith to cleaue to his goodnes in all thyn∣ges. And this is the highest and chiefest sacrifice wher with God is pleased & worshipped. And who∣soeuer beleueth in him after thys sort, those he taketh for his welbe∣louyd children and in all thynges he declareth to thē, that he is their louyng father. Wherefore (good children) let vs not put our trust in any creature, or in any worldly Page  cxiiii thing, but at all tymes let vs fastē oure sure trust in our Lord God. So we shalbe made his children, and enioy lyfe euerlastinge.

Nowe considre good chyldren what a God he is, in whome we beleue, and in whome we put oure trust. He is God the father, the al∣myghtye maker of heauen and earthe. And these woordes good children ought not slyghtly to be passed ouer, for they be of greate weight and importaunce. Wher∣fore I pray you as it were in ba∣lance to wey them dyligently and learne to vnderstande theym. For these wordes conteine not in them worldly phylosophye or mannes sapience, but heauenly and God∣ly wysedome. Wherfore I praye you gyue good eare whiles I do declare them to you.

First this article teacheth vs Page  [unnumbered] that God is almyghtye, that is to saye, that he hath power to worke & do all thinges whatsoeuer plea∣seth hym, and no creature in hea∣uen or earth is able to let or with∣stande him, and that no thynge is vnpossible vnto him. And this is the foundacion and begynnynge of christian knowledge and faith, to beleue that God is almyghtye. The whiche many men do not be∣leue, and yet neuertheles they will be counted christen men, or rather great clarkes. In thys number be they, that do not beleue the bo∣dye of Christ truely to be gyuen in the Lordes supper, to theym that receyue the sacramente, al∣thoughe Christe hymselfe sayeth playnely. Take eate thys is my bodye. And why do they not be∣leue this? verely because they dyd neuer trulye beleue thys article, Page  cxv that God is almyghtye, but they thynke that God is not able to work or do that thing, which they can not compasse with their awne wit, and reason.

But you good children folowe not suche, but beleue you, with all youre hearte, that God is almyghtye, that he is able to worke and do all thynge that he wylleth and perfourme all thing that he speaketh or promiseth. And in so doyng you shall fynde great peace and quietnes in your consciences. For this is an exce∣dyng comforte for vs, stedfastly to beleue this article, that God is almyghty. For hereby we be per∣swaded, in all perels and aduer∣sities to put our trust in him, for∣asmoche as he is able to delyuer vs out of al troubles and affecti∣ons, although they seme to mans Page  [unnumbered] reason remediles. Hereby also we be taught, to humble oure selues before God, and not to be proude, neyther to dyspyse or forget hym when all thynges goeth after our owne wyll, but to consyder that God is almightie, and able with a becke to ouerturne kingdomes, to cast downe the ryche, to exalte the poore, to punyshe the wicked, and to destroy vs yf we prouoke him to angre. Wherefore good children marke well this worde. Almighty, whiche is as muche to saye as this. No man is so sore sycke, but God is able to heale hym. No man is so poore but God can make hym riche. No mā is so symple or dul wytted, whom he is not able to make wyse. No man is so vyle or lytle regar∣ded, but he is able to promote him to highe honours. No man is so Page  cxvi greate a synner but he is able to iustifye him. Wherefore in all chaunces we must put our truste in God onelye. For he is able to do what soeuer he willeth, and all thynge is subiecte vnder hys dominion.

Furthermore in this article God is called maker of heauen and earth, that is to saye, God made heauen and earthe and all thynge contayned therein of no thynge. For God made not these thynges as a carpenter ma∣keth an house, (whiche can not woorke yf he lacke hys toyles & stuffe.) But he onelye sayde, lette it be done, and by and by all thin∣ges were done. And therefore he hathe a newe title whiche was ne∣uer herde among all the Philoso∣phers, beynge called the creatour of the worlde, that is to saye, that Page  [unnumbered] by his woorde he wonderfullye made all thynges of nothynge. And as soone as he did speake, by and by al the worlde stode vp and was made.

Thus he made manne, and gaue hym bodye and soule, rea∣son and wysedome, and dyd sette vnder his gouernaunce the yerth and all thyng that groweth ther∣on, as all kynde of trees wyth their fruytes, all kyndes of her∣bes and floures, all fyshes of the sea, foules of the ayer and al ma∣ner of beastes tame or wylde, and he made man Lorde ouer all these creatures, that he myghte vse theym partely to his norishement and foode, and partely to hys ap∣parell and ornament of hys bo∣dye, in so muche that he made the Sunne Moone and all ye sterres for thys ende, that they shoulde Page  cxvii serue mā. And (that is most com∣forte to vs of all) he made al these creatures before he did creat mā, declaryng therby, that he is care∣full for vs and prouydeth suche thinges as we haue nede of, yea before we be borne.

Wherefore good children let vs be of good chere, and putting our trust in God let vs reason on this fashiō. For asmuch as God made heauē and earth, it is euidēt ther∣by, that he is Lorde and mayster of the same, and that all thynges aswell in heauen as in earthe are donne accordyng to his wil. And forasmuche as he made all thynge for vs, it is also manyfest therby, yt he willeth all creatures to do vs seruice, let vs therfore fo¦low ye counsel of Christ who saith.* Be not careful for your life what ye shall eate or drynke, nor yet for Page  [unnumbered] your bodye what raiment ye shal put on. Is not ye lyfe more worth then meat? and the bodye, more of value then rayment? Beholde the foules of the ayer, the whiche do neyther sowe nor reape nor carye into the barnes, and yet your hea∣uenly father doth feade theim. Are not you much better thē thei? Cōsider the lilies of the feld, how they growe. They labour not, thei spynne not. And yet I saye vnto you, that Salomō himselfe (when he was in his most gorgious roi∣altie and glorye) was not appa∣relled lyke one of these. Nowe yf God dothe so apparell a floure (which althoughe it florysheth to day, yet to morow it wythereth a∣way & is cast into a fournas) shal he not muche more do ye same for you, o ye men of litle faith? These be the wordes of Christ good chil∣dren Page  cxviii by the which he exhorteth vs to put our trust and confidence in God our father, and stedfastlye to beleue, that he whiche hath gyuen to vs our lyfe, is both able & wil∣lyng also to gyue vs all thynges necessarye to the maintenaunce of our lyfe. For he is the maker of al thinges, & all creatures obey hys wyl and commaundement, and if there lacked any thinges yt shuld helpe vs, he is able euery daye to make all newe agayne, as euery yeare he maketh all thynges to renewe and spryng agayn. Thus by these wordes we learne yt God hath made heauen and earth and all thynges conteyned therin for vs, and for oure commoditie, and that he is, both can and wyl gyue vs our dayly foode and lyuyng. Wherfore let no mā trust to his own wit reasō or cōpassinge, thin∣king Page  [unnumbered] ye he is able to get his liuing or riches by hys awne carefulnes or to maynteyne hys lyfe, but let vs put our trust in God oure fa∣ther almightie, he will feade nou∣ryshe and mainteyne vs, as long as it shall please him. Neuerthe∣les it is our parte to laboure dili∣gentlye, and euery man is bounde to do his dutie in his vocatiō and calling. For God willeth not, that we shoulde be idle, and lye all the day on the one syde, lokyng that he shuld put meat in our mough∣tes, as the nourse dothe feade yong children, but he commaun∣deth vs to plye our laboures and occupations and then to cast all carefulnes, and put it vnto hym, Thus good children I haue ex∣pounded vnto you ye first article of our belyfe, conteinyng the doc∣tryne of the creation and making Page  cxix of the worlde, the whiche heauenly philosophie (to the intent you may the more easely beare it in youre memories) I wyl knit it vp in few wordes, that whē you be demaun∣ded, howe vnderstande you the fyrste article of youre belyfe? you maye thus shortly answere. I be∣leue that God ye father hath made me, and al creatures in heauē and earth, that he hath gyuē to me and conserueth my bodye and soule, reason, senses, eyes, eares, & all my other members. Also I beleue that the same almyghtye Lorde and God doeth dayly gyue to me and to vs al, meat, dryncke, cloth, wife, children, house, lande, ryches, cattell, and all thynges necessarye to the mayntenaunce of our lyues and yt he doth dayly defende kepe and preserue vs from al peril, and delyuer vs from all euell. And all Page  [unnumbered] thys he doethe of hys owne mere mercie and goodnes, without our worthynes or deseruynges. For the which benefites it is our dutie to render to hym continualll and euerlastyng thankes to obey hym in all thynges, & to take hede that we be not vnkynde to him, yt hathe shewed so greate kyndnesse towar¦des vs.

¶A generall conclusion to be rehersed at the ende of euery sermon made vpon the Crede.

Thus you haue heard good children, the true and playne mea∣nynge of this parte of the Crede. Now it is youre parte deapely to prynte the same in youre heartes, that you maye put your hole trust and confidence in the true and ly∣uynge God oure heauenly father.

Page  cxxAnd forasmuche as fayth is the worke of god, and the light of our hartes, whiche God putteth in vs by hys worde and holy spirite, (so that we can not atteyne fayth and the knowledge of Christ withoute goddes word and true preachers) therfore accustome your selfes euē from youre tendre age to hear the worde of God, that he by his holy spirite maye moue and sturre vp your hertes to true fayth & know∣ledge of him. And beside that you shall desier God with moste harty praiers, that as he hath giuen you the gifte of fayth, so he wyll conty∣new and increase the same in you, that as you growe in age, so also you may growe in the knowledge of Christ. For he that beleueth in Christ, is made thereby the sonne of god, & heyre of lyfe euerlasting. And then he gyueth vs his holye Page  [unnumbered] spirite to kyndle charitie in oure hartes, wherby we loue God and kepe all hys commaundemen∣tes. All these benefytes we receyue by faythe in the whiche who so euer contynueth vn∣to the ende of his lyfe, shalbe saued, the whiche God graunte to vs all. A∣men.