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Title:  Certaine sermons vvherin is contained the defense of the gospell nowe preached against such cauils and false accusations, as are obiected both against the doctrine it selfe, and the preachers and professors thereof, by the friendes and fauourers of the Church of Rome. Preached of late by Thomas by Gods sufferance Byshop of Lincolne.
Author: Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594.
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not, therefore we, and not they, haue brought the truth vn∣to you. The 2. proposition. I know wil be denied, for both yt parts therof, which I wil proue vnto you, by this meanes. First I will let you vnderstand the causes why christ came in fleshe, and what benefites he procured to mankynde by the same. Secondly I will shew vnto you what it is to denye Christe to haue come in fleshe. The firste of these two shall confirme our truth: The seconde shall confound their error. As touching the cause why christ came in flesh.When sinne had made separation betweene God and man, and the exceding great mercy of God, was not willingThe causes why Christ came in the fleshe. vtterly to cast away man, and to ras him from the face of the earth, of his infinite goodnesse, and wisedome, he deui∣sed the sonne of God, the seconde person in Trinitie should descend from Heauen, and take flesh of the blessed virgine, that so being in one person, both very God, & very man, he might be a most fit Mediator to work recōciliatiō betwene God and man. The cause therefore why Christe came in flesh, was to worke the saluation of mankinde. For so saithThe general cause. 1. Tim. 1. S. Paule, It is a sure saying & worthie of all men to be beleeued, that Christ came into the world to saue sin∣ners, And Christ himselfe sayth: that he came to saue thatLuc. 19. 10 which was lost.The generall worke of our redemption, hath certayne principall branches, whiche are cheefe Articles of oure Fayth and groundes of all Christian religion. Firste, that he might be the reconciler, and attonement maker be∣tweeneThe particu∣ler causes. Verse. 18. God and vs, as S. Paule witnesseth, 2. Cor. 5. All things are of God which reconciled vs vnto himself in Christ Iesus. And immediately, God was in Christ recō∣cilingVerse. 1. Col. 1. 20. the world to himselfe. And to the Colos. It plea∣sed him to reconcile all things, vnto himselfe by Christ, appeasing by the blood of his Crosse, all thinges whiche are either in heauen or in earth. God therefore appoyn∣ted him for euer to be our high Bishop, our Mediator, our Aduocate, our Intercessor which should cōtinualy appeare 0