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Title:  The prospectiue glasse of vvarre Shevving you a glimpse of vvarres mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, wayes; in victualling of an armie, prouiding money to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems: ordering of marches, framing of battails, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to auoide battell or fight. Furnished with argument to encourage and skill to instruct. By C.E. Warre is a schoole of necesary knowledge.
Author: Cooke, Edward, fl. 1626-1631.
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fight with the Enemy, other three to bee aide to the o∣ther three fighting, and the other three was appointed for sundry other purposes and effects.King Ferdenand, besides his ordinary battalions, had another standing aloofe behinde his other battailes, for to take aduantage, or else to helpe in necessitie as occa∣sion serued; which were light horsemen.The Earle of Surry, at the battell of Sloddon, had like∣wise besides his ordinary Battels, one battell of light horsemen, with which hee discomfitted Iames (the fourth) King of Scots.Iames King of Scots, at the same battell of Sloddon, did martiall his Army into six battailes, without horse reliefe, or seconds, which lost him the field. For the English with their horse (when the King had the better) would presently giue vpon his Flanks, so snatcht the victory out of his hands, hauing neither Horse nor se∣conds to recouer it.The Argonians, haue diuided their Army into fiue Battels; which battels in forme of straight or direct hornes, were extended from the great battell or midle∣ward. But these were partly Horse and Foote.The Heluetians, haue martialed their Army into three battels, without Horse or seconds; sometimes in∣to one battell onely of footmen, which was their vsuall forme by custome. But not to be imitated.The Spaniard, haue martialed their Army into two battels; one of footmen in one winge, and another of horsemen in another winge, all in an euen Front. Now they do otherwise.The Ancient Romanes, haue martialed their Armed foote into three Battels. The first subsisting of the Hastatij, the second of the Principes, the third of the 0