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Title:  The prospectiue glasse of vvarre Shevving you a glimpse of vvarres mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, wayes; in victualling of an armie, prouiding money to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems: ordering of marches, framing of battails, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to auoide battell or fight. Furnished with argument to encourage and skill to instruct. By C.E. Warre is a schoole of necesary knowledge.
Author: Cooke, Edward, fl. 1626-1631.
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stay your laying out of much expence.9. Seeme (to such a Confederate) to deferre your warres that you may the better wring forth of him greater summes. It may bee he may proue like Lodowicke Sforza Duke of Millan.This Duke, seeing Charles the eight make no haste to inuade Naples according vnto promise, be∣cause Lodowicke was to worke a feate by Charles his comming, which otherwise hee was very hardly to do; he sent his sonne in Law with a braue Captaine into France vnto the King, offering him money, shippes, horsemen, and many other things of great importance, which the King accepted, and for that cause before did stay the warre. Thus much of this, which shall suffice for the wayes of getting of money to pay souldiers, and likewise for victualling your Army. I will now shew the wayes by which you may finde out your Enemies purposes, Trapps, and Stratagems. To doe which, well obserue these pre∣cepts.Waies to finde out the Ene∣mies purposes Traps, and Stratagems. 1. First, you are to suspect vehemently, or else to feare, how your Enemy hath an invention by some subtiltie or politique stratagem, or inuention, or else some crafty deceite or wile to entrap, beguile, or o∣uerthrow your Army.2. Next for such intents or purposes, you should entertaine very good and sundry espialls, who by all meanes are to be very attentiue, inquisitiue, curious, liberall, suspitious, and bold.3. Which especially should remaine or abide neer the Court of your Enemy, or else neere vnto the Ar∣my of your Enemies, or in some friends Country of your Enemies, or neere some neighbour of your 0