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Title:  The prospectiue glasse of vvarre Shevving you a glimpse of vvarres mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, wayes; in victualling of an armie, prouiding money to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems: ordering of marches, framing of battails, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to auoide battell or fight. Furnished with argument to encourage and skill to instruct. By C.E. Warre is a schoole of necesary knowledge.
Author: Cooke, Edward, fl. 1626-1631.
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7. Seeke by all meanes to intercept your Enemies victuals; and lay seidge to those places from whence their chiefe reliefe of victuals doth come. Example,The Captaines of Charles the sift, in the warres a∣gainst the Germans, lacked victuals somewhat, where on the other side, the Germans lying in a plaine fer∣till Country, had plenty of victuals, vpon the occasi∣on of the aoundance of the Country, being large; and partly because certaine friendly Cities and Countries lay behinde them on the otherside of the Riuer. For the same purpose Charles the Emperour went about for to gaine the Cities standing about the Riuer from them, and so the aduantage of the same Riuer with victuals: which was a braue act.Like this was that of Francis Sforsa, who vnder∣standing that the Frenchmen, or Army at Nouaro, had great comfort of victuals from Biagrassa, he beseidged that Towne suddenly, & tooke it: by which occa∣sion hee tooke from them their chiefe victuals: And shortly after the French Army was faine to remoue.8. If you are for to iourney towards the warres, iourney in a plentifull Country, and which hath in long time beene in peace. Thus did the French King Charles the eight when he came to the Citie of Ast.9. Also you are to iourney in your Confederates Country, and who vpon very great occasion is to de∣sire your society, for such will ayde you liberally. This was likewise practised by Charles the eight when he inuaded Naples: For other wayes of getting of victuals, and preseruing them so got, peruse these presedents.10. Some Kings, Captaines, and Generals, which haue either taken, or saued some Citie which was 0