A closet for ladies and gentlevvomen. or, The art of preseruing, conseruing, and candying With the manner hovve to make diuers kinds of syrups: and all kind of banqueting stuffes. Also diuers soueraigne medicines and salues, for sundry diseases.

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A closet for ladies and gentlevvomen. or, The art of preseruing, conseruing, and candying With the manner hovve to make diuers kinds of syrups: and all kind of banqueting stuffes. Also diuers soueraigne medicines and salues, for sundry diseases.
London :: Printed [by F. Kingston] for Arthur Iohnson, dvvelling neere the great north dore of Paules,

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Subject terms
Canning and preserving -- Early works to 1800.
Medicines, Popular -- Early works to 1800.
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"A closet for ladies and gentlevvomen. or, The art of preseruing, conseruing, and candying With the manner hovve to make diuers kinds of syrups: and all kind of banqueting stuffes. Also diuers soueraigne medicines and salues, for sundry diseases." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A19018.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.


For the heate in the Kidneys.

TAke Houseleeke and Plantine, and not wash them, but wipe them with a cloth, and beate them and straine them, and put to the iuyce thereof red Rose water, and wine Vineger and womans mlke, and take the hearbs and put them into clothes, and tye the clothes with thread like a couple of balles, and you must (when you doe vse it) haue one to doe it for you in the morning when you are in your bed, and the partie must take the balles, and dippe them in this liquor,

Page 74

and so bath your Kidneys, and as soone as one of the balles is hot with doing of them, take the other, and so vse it an houre euerie morning.

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