The familiar epistles of M.T. Cicero Englished and conferred with the: French Italian and other translations
Cicero, Marcus Tullius., Webbe, Joseph.

Cicero Vice-consull, to Appius Pulcher Imperator. Ep. 3.

WHen I came to Brundusium, the xxii. of May, Quintus Fabius your Legae, came to seeke me: and by your order told me that which not one∣ly I, whom it concerned, but the whole Senate also call'd to mind; that tis Prouinc requir'd a stronger gutiso. For almost all were of opinion, that my Legions, and those of Bibulu should be made vp with Italian souldiers. Where∣unto Sulpicius the Consull, saying, he would not consent, I much complai∣ned thereof; but the Senate so greatly hastned my departure, that I was for∣ced to obey him, as I did Now I desire, you would carry in mind, what I de∣maunded of you in the letters, whih I deliuered at Rome to your posts: which was, that whatsoeuer one could effect, for the ease of a domesticall and louing friend, in visiting the Prouince, you would procure with all affection and diligēce, for the inuiolable loue I beare you: that euery one might plainly dis∣cerne, Page  104 that neither I could euer haue succeeded any man, more deuoted to me then you, nor you resigne the Pro∣uince to any, who lou'd you more dear∣ly then I. By those, which you wrote vnto the Senate, whereof you sent me a copie, I vnderstood, that you had ca∣sheer'd a great number of souldiers: but the aboue mentioned Fabius certi∣fied me, that you had indeed such a de∣termination, but at his departure, it was not yet effected. If it be so, you shall doe me a singular kindnes, not to wea∣kn so small an armie. And as I suppose, you haue receiued the decrees enacted by the Senate to this purpose. Such is he loue I beare you, that any thing you doe, shall giue me satisfaction: but yet I am confident, you will be readie also o perorme that, which accreweth to my benefit, and commoditie. I expec∣ed Caius Pntinius my Legate, at Brn∣dsium, and I thinke he will be there, be∣ore the first of Iune, as soone as he comes, we will take shipping, with the first opportunitie. Farewell.