The familiar epistles of M.T. Cicero Englished and conferred with the: French Italian and other translations
Cicero, Marcus Tullius., Webbe, Joseph.

Cicero to Caius Cassius. Epist. 17.

YOu haue a companie of prepote∣rous Corrier's: when they go from hence they demand my letters, when hey come hither they bring me none. Although in truth, they herin offend me not, being so desirous to write vnto you as I am. True it is, they should doe much more discreetly, if they gaue mee a little more time. But they euer come to me, in their trauailing atyre, making all hast to be gone, because their com∣paniōs attend them at the gates. So that you must pardon me, if at this time, I be also briefe; But know you what? I will shortly recompence the defect, to which I haue by their hast beene enfor∣ced. Though I know no reason why I should excuse my selfe: considering yours come hither emptie, and returne Page  871 with letters. We haue it here for cur∣rant, (somewhat I mut write) that Publius Sylla the Father is dead, some say, murdered by theeues, others af∣firme, by surfeit of meates. The people take no great care, now they vnder∣stand, that his bodie was burned. And no doubt but you also, who are wise, will take it patiently enough: the euill is, that we haue lost the forme of the Common-wealth. The generall opi∣nion was; that Caesar would haue taken it verie heauily, as he that feared, least the sales which were made by publicke outery, might haue beene abated. Min∣dius Marcellus, and Aius, the complec∣tion-maker reioyced they had lost their aduersarie. There's no newes out of Spaie, but a wonderfull expectation. There are certaine reports, rather bad then otherwise, but they are not credit∣ted, by reason they come from no cer∣taine places. Our Pansa departed fom Rome, the thirtieth day of December, with honourable employment: so that euery one may mnifestly discerne the power of vertue; which, as a loadstone Iron, drawes ohers to follow her, seking no other reward then the pos∣sesion of her selfe. And though some other opinion, hath within his little while be gloomed your vnderstanding; yet if you will but looke with a direct eye, shee euer honours and rewardes Page  872 those spirits that obserue her: as wee may see by Pansa, who, relieuing many out of miseries; and leauing in these af∣flictions of the Citie, an example of his wonderfull integritie, and loue, hath wonne the hearts of euery good man. I am glad you continued hitherto in Brundusium; and I thinke it was the bet resolution: and I assuredly beleeue, you shall also doe verie wisely, to keepe your selfe within your bounds, without entangling your selfe, in dangerous matters. You may be well assured, that we who loue you, shall receiue therein grea satisfaction. And I pray you from this time forward, when you haue anie occasion to write home, to be mindfull of my businese. Euery man that comes vnto you, shall, if I know thereof, bring letters from me. Farewell.