The familiar epistles of M.T. Cicero Englished and conferred with the: French Italian and other translations
Cicero, Marcus Tullius., Webbe, Joseph.
Page  855

Cicero Imperator, to Caius Marcellus Consull, son to Caius. Epist. 10.

BEhold, Fortune concurring with our desire; in haung ministred an occasion, whereby the family of the Marcelli, and Marcellini, who, in louing of me, were alwaies of one consnt, hath found a meanes to certifie mee of the a••ection which they bare me; You are exalted to the Consulship, which I greatly desied. And in truth, neither could I haue had greater hap, then to haue a Consull to mine owne minde, no you meete wih fitter times, to make me cpable of your affection: For, I haung performed some seruice in the behalfe of the Common-wealth, it lies in you to manifest, how farre you loue me, by intimating to the Senate, how worthie I am of commendation; and by perswading them to remune∣rate my deseuings. I would therefore, if you finde the Snate thereunto en∣clined, that when my letters are read, you would take the paines (as with ease you may,) to procure, that the honora∣bles decree may bee thereupon made that you are able. If the knot which fastens me togeather with your kin∣dred, were strongr hen the chaine, Page  856 that bindes mee to your friendship, I would choose them for my meanes. Whom you know, to with mee very well, but it impots not. From your father I haue receiued important bene∣fits, and I may truely auerre, that neuer any man sewed himselfe a greater friend to my safetie, and honor hen he did: your brother obseres, and •••spects mee, as is knowne to ll men. And to include many wod i on, your whole familie, ws neuer flcke, to attempt any enterp••se, in my fa∣uour. And yet for all this, your selfe was neuer inferior to any of yours in louing me. Whereupon with all fer∣uencie, I request you really to fauour me, and to take vpon you, the protecti∣on of mine honor; ••rst, in procuring those honors to be confered vpon me, which fore-run a Triumph; and then, iu furthering me in any other respect, that shall seeme accrewing to my bene∣fit. Farewell.