A tryall of faith by the touch-stone of the Gospel, the word of faith. Whereby Christians may discerne whether or no, they have a saving faith. First preached in the parish church of St Nic. Col. Abby London, by William Chibald pastor there; and now published for the further benefit of that his congregation, and all other that confesse with their mouth the Lord Iesus, and with their heart beleeve on him vnto salvation.
Chibald, William, 1575-1641.

[§ 4] A saving Faith is not an assurance of our salvation; because we are not iustified, by being assured of our salvation.

The reason is undeniable: because a saving faith, and that whereby wee are saved, are all one; and so are our assu∣rance of salvation, and our beeing assu∣red thereof. Whence I thus argue: If a saving faith iustifie us, (as themselves confesse) and a saving faith bee an assu∣rance of our salvation, as it iustifies us (as their Definition imports) then must it needs follow, that we are iustified by beeing assured of salvation; which cannot be for these foure Reasons:

1. We are not iustified by being assured of iustification, because then would it follow, that we are assured of our iusti∣fication, before we are iustified indeed. (For that whereby we are assured of a∣ny thing, must needs goe before our be∣ing Page  149 assured of it, inasmuch as it is the meanes and cause of it.) But wee are not assured of our iustification, before wee are iustified indeede; because that whereby wee are iustified, must needs goe before our beeing iustified, in as much as it is the meanes and cause of it: & we must first be actually iustified in Gods sight, before wee can be assured of our iustification, (because we cannot be truely assured of that which is not;) wherefore either assurance of salvation must goe before salvation it selfe (which is as impossible as for a man to be assu∣red of Land, before there be Land to be assured of;) or it cannot bee true, that we are iustified, by being assured of our iustification.

2. We are not iustified by being as∣sured of our iustification; because then would it follow, that whosoeuer hath a saving faith, must presently, and conti∣nually have an assurance of his salvati∣on: (for he that once had a saving faith, shall alwayes have it; and never lose it) and also he that is not assured of his sal∣vation, is not iustified, nor hath a saving faith, which is most vntrue, seeing many of Gods deare children may want the assurance of their salvation, and that Page  150 for a long while in some cases, and yet for all that trust in Christ, & hang upon him for salvation.

3. We are not iustified by being as∣sured of salvation, because then would it follow, that the condition of the Gos∣pell required on our part instrumental∣ly, for receiving of salvation, should be a comfort, and not a duty: (for that whereby we are iustified, is the conditi∣on of the Gospell, required on our part to make us capable of salvation, and as∣surance of salvation is certainly a com∣fort.) But wee are iustified by faith, which is the condition of the Gospell; not as it is a comfort, but a duty, both because it is called a worke, and a duty of obedience,* and a duty commanded; and also, because the comfort that comes by faith to the soule, is after the act of beleeving in Christ, which is the duty of faith; for the comfort of faith, is assurance of salvation; and assurance of salvation, ariseth from peace of con∣science, and ioy in the hope of Heaven; both which follow faith in Christ, or our being iustified by faith in Christ, as hath been shewed before, out of Rom. 5.3, 4. & 15.13.

4 Lastly, we are not iustified by be∣ing Page  151 assured of our salvation, because then would it follow, that the meaning of the Gospell, or Covenant of Grace, which is this; He that beleeveth shall bee saved, and shall not be damned:* the (mea∣ning (I say) of this should be: He that is assured of his salvation, and is fully per∣swaded he shall not be damned, shall bee saved, and not damned (for to haue a sa∣ving faith, to beleeve in Christ, and to be assured of salvation by Christ, is all one with them, if a saving faith be an as∣surance of salvation.)

But this interpretation is absurd, not onely, because there is no good sense in such an exposition, but also because it may come to passe, that some man may be saved by beleeving an vntruth: for if iustification follow beleeving in Christ (as it is plaine it doth, because beleeving in Christ, is the condition required on our part to iustifie us, and therefore must goe before it) then if I perswade my selfe I am iustified be∣fore I beleeve in Christ, I am perswa∣ded of an untruth, and consequently am iustified by beleeving an vntruth. If I perswade my selfe my sinnes are forgi∣uen mee, which indeed are not forgi∣uen, before I have this perswasion; Page  152 then must I beleeue that which is false, and consequently be iustified by beleeving that which is false. For who knowes not, that there be many carnall Gospellers, that in their perswasion are verily assured of their salvation: (for they would not doubt of it, they say, for all the world, and well they might, if a saving faith were nothing else but an assurance of salvation) who yet can indeed haue no sure ground of a∣ny such assurance, because they are not borne anew of the Spirit, vnto re∣pentance from dead workes, and faith in Christ? Wherefore either these Lu∣therans must say, we are not iustified by faith in Christ, which is hereticall; or affirme that the meaning of the Cove∣nant of Grace is, that he which is assu∣red of salvation, shall be saved, and not damned, which is senselesse, or else it cannot be true, that we are iustified by being assured of our iustification, and consequently that neither is it true, that a saving faith is an assurance of salvati∣on, as they perswade themselves. For confutation whereof, this shall bee my fourth Reason.