A tryall of faith by the touch-stone of the Gospel, the word of faith. Whereby Christians may discerne whether or no, they have a saving faith. First preached in the parish church of St Nic. Col. Abby London, by William Chibald pastor there; and now published for the further benefit of that his congregation, and all other that confesse with their mouth the Lord Iesus, and with their heart beleeve on him vnto salvation.
Chibald, William, 1575-1641.
[Question. 1]

What is meant by the Corinthians being in the Faith?

Page  [unnumbered]It seemes at first sight,* a strange manner of speaking, as if Faith were some locall thing that did comprehend in it all beleevers; as the place doth containe in it the thing that is pla∣ced there; the house, the inhabitant; but we may learne, that to be in the Faith, is no∣thing else, but to have Faith to bee in them; and the exhortation is in effect no more, then if the Apostle had said, Examine your selves whether Faith bee in you, or whether God hath wrought Faith in you: and I proove my exposition,

1. By other Scripture phrases, namely, because to be in the Spirit, is to have the Spirit in them; so to be in Christ,,* is to have Christ to be in them, namely, by Faith: to dwell in loue, is to haue the love of God,* and our neighbour dwelling in them:* to be in the flesh, is to haue the corruption of nature dwelling, and raigning in them.

2. I prove it by other phrases commonly vsed in our English tongue, as when a man loves a mayd, we say he is in love; when hee hates his neighbour, we say, he is in malice; when a man is drunke, we say, he is in drink: so that the beeing of the Corinthians in the Faith, is the being of Faith in the Corinthi∣ans, or the having of Faith in them: the rea∣son of which manner of speech, I take to bee one of these; either because he had before spo∣ken Page  [unnumbered] of Christ being in him, and answerable to that would speake of their beeing in the Faith; or else, because hee would intimate to vs the certainty of the Corinthians beeing be∣leevers, and of their having of Faith; even so surely, as if they had bin in the faith it self.