A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercy In an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the Church and state of England, since the Gospell began here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. Collected by Geo: Carleton, Doctor of Divinitie, and Bishop of Chichester.
Carleton, George, 1559-1628., Passe, Willem van de, 1598-ca. 1637, engraver.

The Conclusion.

Some Considerations proposed to such as are not well affected to Religion.

1 KIngs and States, when they are miraculously protected by the hand of God, and de∣liuered from great dangers, may vnderstand what bles∣sing they haue by a Church planted in their State. The Church bringeth the blessing to the State: because God regard∣eth them that are faithfull to him, and for their fakes blesseth the whole.

2 This Church that bringeth such a blessing to States, is much questioned now, where it is, and how to finde it: for diuers striue for it, and the true Church is but One.

Page  2253 That is te true Church that hath h••d the rue of Fath, from the Apostles time: That is the false Church, that hah changed that rue.

4 Who hold this rule, and who nt, may be knowne by the holy Doctrines contained in the Scripture, ex consanguinitate doctrinae.

5 Learnig is necssary to inable a man to iudge aright of these th••gs: but Learning may be also in men that are corrupt and vngdly. And therefore a man can neuer be wel nabled to iudge of these things, without the Spirit of God directing his Learning.

6 Th true Church is ruled by the Spirit of God, and preserued from errours and heresies, against which the gates of hell shall not preuaile:

7 A lay man, that hath the Spirit of God, is better able to iudge of the Church, and of the members thereof▪ then a man in Ecclesiasticall function, that hath not the Spirit of God.

8 They that are contentious, seditious, cru∣el, mlicious, vnclene, adulterers, idolaters, murterrs, or such like, haue not the Spirit of God The reason is euident, because these, and such like, are the frits of the flesh, contrary to the fruits of the spirit.

9 From these principles if the Princes that are of the Romish religion woud be pleased to exmne Themselues, their Religion, their best learned and religious men, their Doctrines, their Prctiss; hey might b a enerous search easily finde were is Gods Church, and where is Gods Spirit.

Page  22610 Withall they may be pleased to consider the Workes of God, his protection and miracu∣lous defence of his Church; which miraculous defence hath appeared here ouer the Church of England, as also elsewhere; but more conspi∣cuous here, more illustrious examples of Gods mercy will hardly be found any where: God hath for many yeeres deliuered this Church, preserued vs in peace when all the nations about vs haue beene in bloudy warres.

11 It cannot be proued that God did euer in such manner, and so many waies defend a Nati∣on, but onely there where he had a people of his owne, his tue Church.

12 It can neuer be proued that they that pro∣fesse and practise malice, crulty, sedition, ido∣latrie, and such other workes of the flesh, are the true Church of Christ.

13 They that make falshood their refuge, and hide themselues vnder vanitie, haue no cause to boast themselues to be the Catholike Church. If wee should rehearse the strange lyes which they haue invented against Luther, Caluin, Be∣za, against duers reuerend Bishops, whereof some are departed, some yet liuing, against the Church and State of England, it would fill a Booke to speake of their particular lyes. They vnderstand wel enough whom they serue here∣in, their practise is to lye, their hope is that eue∣ry lye cannot be examined by the common peo∣ple, they care not though it be found out to be Page  227 a lye by some, so it be not found by the multi∣tude, whom to deciue is their chiefe care; not respecting God, nor truth, nor Gods Church, which is the pillar of truth, and may not bee maintained with lyes.

14 How the Pope, the Iesuites, the whole Church of Rome is well knowne by the fruits of the flesh, and how the fruits of the spirit of God could neuer for these many hundreth yeares be obserued in them, I leaue to the con∣sciences of all to consider, but especially to the great Iudge that must iudge them and vs. Whose blessed and ioyfull com∣ming, the true Churh doth loue and wait-for in faith and patience.