The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
- Title
- The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
- Author
- Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.
- Publication
- Imprinted at London :: [By Thomas Dawson] for Lucas Harison, and George Byshop,
- 1577.
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"The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed December 12, 2024.
- title page
¶To the most reuerend father in God
and his speciall good Lord, Edmund by
the grace of God Archbishop of Caun
bu∣rie. &c. Arthur Golding wisheth abundance of all heauenly wisdome, grace, and health in Christ Iesu. - To all Christians baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost, dwelling or abyding in Fraunce, greeting.
- ¶The Argument of Saint Paules E∣pistle too the Ephesians.
Sermons of Iohn Caluin vpon Saint
Paules Epistle too the Ephesians, gathered
by the ordinarie writer, to the benefite and edi∣fying
of the Lordes Church.
- The first Sermon vpon the first Chapter.
- ¶The second Sermon vppon the first Chapter.
- ¶The third Sermon vppon the first Chapter.
- ¶The fourth Sermon vppon the first Chapter.
- The fifth Sermon vpon the first Chapter.
- ¶The sixth Sermon vppon the first Chapter.
- The seuenth Sermon vpon the first Chapter.
- The eight Sermon vpon the first Chapter.
- The nienth Sermon, which is the first vppon the second Chapter.
- The tenth Sermon, which is the second vppon the second Chapter.
- The eleuenth Sermon, which is the third vppon the second Chapter.
- The twelfth Sermon, which is the fourth vppon the second Chapter.
- The .xiii. Sermon, which is the fift vppon the second Chapter.
- The .xiiii. Sermon, which is the sixth vppon the second Chapter.
- The .xv. Sermon, which is the seuenth vppon the second Chapter.
- The .xvi. Sermon, which is the first vppon the third Chapter.
- The .xvii. Sermon, which is the second vppon the third Chapter.
- The .xviii. Sermon, which is the third vppon the third Chapter.
- The .xix. Sermon, which is the fourth vppon the third Chapter.
- The .xx. Sermon, which is the fifth vppon the third Chapter.
- The .xxi. Sermon, which is the sixth vppon the third Chapter, and the first vppon the fourth.
- The .xxii. Sermon, which is the second vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxiii. Sermon, which is the third vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxiiii. Sermon, which is the fourth vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxv. Sermon, which is the fifth vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxvi. Sermon which is the sixt vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxvii. Sermon, which is the seuenth vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxviii. Sermon, which is the eyght vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxix. Sermon, which is the nynth vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxx. Sermon, which is the tenth vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxxi. Sermon, which is the eleuenth vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxxii. Sermon, which is the twelfth vppon the fourth Chapter.
- The .xxxiii. Sermon, which is the thirteenth vppon the fourth Chapter, and the first vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xxxiiii. Sermon, which is the second vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xxxv. Sermon, which is the third vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xxxvi. Sermon, which is the fourth vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xxxvii. Sermon, which is the fifth vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xxxviii. Sermon, which is the sixth vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xxxix. Sermon, which is the seuenth vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xl. Sermon, which is the eyght vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xli. Sermon, which is the nyenth vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xlii. Sermon, which is the tenth vppon the fifth Chapter.
- The .xliii. Sermon, which is the first vppon the sixth Chapter.
- The .xliiii. Sermon, which is the second vppon the sixth Chapter.
- The .xlv. Sermon, which is the third vppon the sixth Chapter.
- The .xlvi. Sermon, which is the fourth vppon the sixth Chapter.
- The .xlvii. Sermon, which is the fifth vppon the sixth Chapter.
- The .xlviii. Sermon, which is the sixth and last vppon the sixth Chapter.