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Title:  The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
Author: Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.
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diuell vseth too diminish the reuerence of Gods woord withall, is too outface vs with the persons that bring it. Now it is certaine that wee bee frayle vessels, and of no valew, yea and euen as good as bro∣ken pots. What is there in them whom God hath ordeyned too bee the ministers of his word?2. Cor. 4. 7. But it is the treasure alwayes inestimable, notwithstanding the dyspizednesse of the vessells. Then let vs marke, that when men come too warrant vs the forgiuenesse of our sinnes, & the saluation which wee ought too hope for: our fayth must mount vp hygher, and not stand scanning whether such a man bee woorthie too bee herd or no, or inquyring what maner of person he is. Let vs holde or selues contented, that God by that meanes intendeth too drawe vs too himselfe. That is the way which wee must walke: and if wee stp asyde from it, by and by wee e astray, and are in the high way too destruction. Then let vs marke well, that wee must submit our selues too Gods will and ordinance, and receiue without let, the doctrine that is preached too vs by the mouthes of mortall men. For wee must not bee wyze after the maner that a great number are, which demaund whether God could not send his Angells from heauen, and teache vs by reuelations: nor also after the maner of some buzibodies, which beare thēselues in hand that they haue the holy Ghost in their sleeues, by meanes wherof they hold skorne too receiue the giftes as they bee delt abrode by God. Too the end wee bee not bewitched by Satan af∣ter that maner: let vs marke how it is sayd heere, that it is Gods will that the Gospell is preached by the mouthes of men, and that they bee as it were witnesses of it vntoo vs: and that whosoeuer exempteth himselfe from that order, is in like cace as if he did thrust backe Gods hand, when he offereth him sure and infallible recorde of his saluati∣on. Thus yee see still what wee haue too marke vppon this text.Ageine, they that are called too beare abrode Gods woord, ought too take warning by Saint Paules example, too walke in lowely∣nesse. For who are wee if wee compare our selues with him? He sheweth vs that he was not chozen for any sufficientnesse or abilitie that was in him: but bycause it was Gods will to haue it so. There∣fore let vs assure our selues, that wee holde all thinges of him and of his mere grace, and that wee cannot chalendge aught too our selues, vnesse wee mynd too rob him of his ryght. And wee knowe that such vnthankfulnesse were not too bee borne withall.Hereuppon he sayeth, Too all the holy ones that are at Ephe∣, 0