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Title:  The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
Author: Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.
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by his holie spirit, that wee may profit our selues by all his woorks and woords. And moreouer let vs lerne the things that he sheweth vs, and bee contented with the measure that he appoynteth vs, with∣out coueting too knowe anie more than that which wee may lerne in his schoole. Thus yee see what wee haue to beare in mynd.Furthermore when wee once haue such meeldnesse, surely our Lord will giue vs a sure resting poynt: and although his priuities bee in∣comprehensible, and the doctrine of the Lawe and the Gospell bee se∣crets aboue the the reache of the world: yit shall wee bee taught by them too our welfare and saluation. And so there is no mingling, no confuzednesse, no intangling for vs, bycause God will guyde vs by his holie Ghoste, and giue vs wisdome and discretion too knowe what∣soeuer he seeth too bee for our behoof. Mark that for one poynt. But if wee bee vnteachable or vnruly, and will needs play the looce colts too serche further than wee haue leaue: surely Gods wisdome wil bee alwayes variable vntoo vs: that is to say, there wil be such diuersitie of things, and so manie stoppes in it, as wil make vs at our wits end, and wee shall abyde as vtterly confounded. Yea and euen the fayth∣full shall well perceiue the thing that Saint Paule sayeth heere, that they may euer bee put in mynd too walke in awe and feare, and not giue themselues the brydle too much, nor take too much leaue to know more than our Lord will haue them too knowe. Now then, the dout which myght haue bin cast, namely how God wil haue vs too bee aba∣shed at his works, is remoued. And yit will he not haue vs too bee abasshed at them, so wee suffer our selues too bee taught by him.Theruppon wee may gather also, that it is a diuelish statelinesse when these Ruffians take so highly vppon them,Not. as too reiect whatso∣euer they cannot conceyue the reason of. If a man tell them that God dispozeth al things by his secret ordinance, and that the things which wee terme fortune, chaunce, azard, casualtie, happe, aduenture, and such lyke, are al determined before the making of the world, insomuch that euen the heares of our heads are numbered,Math. 10. c. 30. and one litle bird shal not light vppon the ground,Luke. 12. a. 7. without Gods prouidence: they step forth and obiect, how can that bee? And whereas God telleth vs in his Lawe, that he will haue this and that done, shall wee say, that he hath mo wils than one? Then should he bee vnconstant, and that were too make God chaungeable, and so should he seeme subiect too all manner of lightnesse lyke a mortall creature. But (as I sayd afore) such men 0