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Title:  The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
Author: Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.
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tempted,Math. 4. & Hebr. 4. 15. so was he. If wee bee smitten for our sinnes, so was he: for he bare our infirmities,Esay. 53. 4. 5. and the penaltie of our trans∣gressions was layd vppon him. If wee be tryed and nurtured with correction of the crosse, so was he: insomuch that al∣though he was the sonne of God,Hebr. 5. 8. yit learned he obedience by the things that he suffered. If wee bee abaced, so was he: insomuch that wheras it was no robberie in him to bee equall with God,Phil. 2. 6. 7. bycause he was in the shape of God, yit abaced he himselfe by taking vppon him the shape of a seruant, and that so farre,Psal. 22. 6. as he cryeth out in the Psalme, I am a worme, and no man, a very scorning stocke of men, and an outcast of the peo∣ple. If the terrour of Gods wrath for sin doo abash our harts, so did it abash his: and that so sore, as he was fayne too crye out,Psal. 22. 1. & Mth. 27. 46. O God my God, why hast thou forsaken mee? If wee suffer want and penury, so did he: for he had not whereon too rest his head. Finally he became lyke vnto vs in all things, sauing onely in sinne,Heb. 5. 15. 16 to the intent that wee hauing a Hygh priest which could bee touched with the feeling of our infir∣mities, might boldly preace to the throne of grace, to obteyne mercy and fauour,1. Pet. 4. 13. 14 to our releefe and helpe in dew time. Assu∣ring our selues that if wee fashion our selues lyke vntoo his image in sufferance, in patience, in humilitie, in fayth, in hope, in loue, and in resistence of sinne, wee shall also bee made lyke vnto him in glory.Wherefore let vs take his yoke vppon vs,Mah. 11. 30. for it is sweete: let vs sticke to him in weale and wo, he will not forsake vs: and let vs fence our selues aforehand with the armour and weapons that Saint Paule speaketh of in his present Epistle, that wee may bee able to stand fast in these euill dayes, wherin Satan the old serpent leaueth nothing vnattempted that may destroy or impayre our fayth: and that wee may bee able to beare out the brunt of afflictions which God iustly may, and (I feare mee) shortly will cast vppon vs for our carelesse hea∣ring, and more carelesse, slowe, and negligent following of his word so plentifully preached among vs, if wee conuert not by speedie amendment. Let such as are yit weake, learne to grow 0