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Title:  The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
Author: Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.
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God vttereth such abundance of myracles, wherby it is his meaning, too bee knowen and worshipped: and yit notwithstanding wee play the beastes, and go on lyke blockeheades without any vnderstanding, not knowing the God that made vs and fashyoned vs, euen him that vttereth and sheweth himselfe in all his creatures both aboue and be∣neath. Is not this ynough then too bereeue them of all excue, which play the beastes in their ignorance, lyuing heere but only too deuoure Gods benefytes, and in the meane whyle repayre not too him, too doo him honour, or to offer him their seruice? Then is it not without cause, that Saint Paule addeeth yit further this saying, that such as were so destitute of the knowledge of the Gospell, were without God in the world.Now thereuppon on the other side, he setteth downe the grace of God, which they had receyued, too the ende, they should knowe that it was not of their owne purchace, nor obteyned by their owne pollicy and abilitie, but that they ought too consider well how greatly they bee bound vntoo God, for rayzing them vp too heauen from the deepe dungeons of hell. If God had but lent vs his hand to lift vs vp when wee were falne but too the ground, and so let vs alone in our owne state, wee should be beholden to him for it. For when we bee falne, and some body helpes too lift vs vp agein, wee will cun him thanke, & so ought we too doo. Behold now, God hath not only lift vs vp from the ground, but also drawen vs out of the gulf of hell. And his so doo∣ing, is not too make vs crepe here beneath vpon the earth, or to make vs too inioye the benefits that he offereth vs here presently: but too ad∣uaunce vs too the kingdome of heauen, as wee haue seene heretofore, how wee bee put in possession of it alredy by fayth, and are set in the person of Iesus Christ in the glory that he hath purchaced for vs, for he is entred into it in our behalf. The seeing it is so, haue we not cause too magnifie Gods grace so much the more? So haue yee Saint Paules meaning, in that he sayth, that novv by Iesus Christ you be come nere vntoo God, euen you (sayeth he) vvhich vvere farre of before. Therefore at a word (forasmuch as the whole, cannot be layd foorth at this tyme) let vs vnderstand, that whereas men seeme to haue some worthinesse in thēselues, they cannot but stray away to their own destruction, so long as they bee separated from God, bycause that by nature they ee straungers vntoo bim, yea and quite cut of from him. Moreouer let euery of vs knowe for his owne part, how wee had for∣gotten 0