prayer which our Lord Iesus hath left vs. And for this matter I haue
the signing of their owne handes which theyr disciples know, wherby
those diuells shewe that they must needes bee vtterly without wit, se∣ing
they bee caryed away so farre, as too refuze too yeelde God this
glory, that euen now wee bee yit still ouer loden with the burthen of
our infirmities, hild downe with store of corruptions, and hemmed in
with abundance of vyces, and that God must bee fayne too clenze vs
of them more and more, yea euen from day too day, vntill he haue
brought vs too the perfection wheruntoo he calleth vs. And it standeth
vs so much the more on hand too marke this doctrine well: bycause
the Papistes are not so farre ouershot in the errours of their supersti∣••ions
and Idolatries, as these varlets are, which doo now adayes
sowe abrode their poysons in their priuie meetings and lurking holes.
But howsoeuer they fare, let vs marke well what is shewed vs heere
by the holy Ghost, when S. Paule sayeth that he prayeth God. And
why? I haue tolde you already, that the Ephesians had profited, and
that the giftes of God and of his holy spirit were augmented in them:
He hath shewed that. Now too knit vp the matter, he sayeth further,
that he prayeth God too giue them that which they haue not, & which
they want as yit. Sith it is so: let vs marke that the more wee haue
profited, the more cause haue wee too humble our selues, and with all
myldnesse too beseeche God too finishe the thing that he hath begunne,
〈◊〉〈◊〉 too increace his giftes in vs, till wee neede no more too go any
f••rther, which shalbee at the meeting, whereof wee shall speake more
in the fourth Chapter.
But yit must wee mark well the woords that S. Paule vseth. For
he sayeth, the God of our Lord Iesus Christ, the father of glorie, or
the glorious father, (for the speeche father of glorie, is put in the He∣brew
tongue, for glorious father) giue you the spirituall reuelation
too haue knowledge of him. Now when as S. Paule sendeth vs
heere too Iesus Christ, saying, that the God whom he calleth vppon, is
the same which is the God of our Lord Iesus Christ, yea and his father
too: it is too shew the trust that he had too be heard, and that the Ephe∣••••••ns
should take hart too follow the same fashion and rule of praying,
••••d that when they haue any occasion to resort vntoo God, they should
h••ld the same way that he did, and keepe by the streit lyne of comming
〈◊〉〈◊〉 our Lord Iesus Christ. But now if a man demaund how God is
aboue our Lord Iesus Christ: the question is easye too bee resolued, if