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¶The Argument of Saint Paules E∣pistle too the Ephesians.
IT is well ynough knowen, that Ephesus was a Citie of the lesser Asia, renowmed for many causes. And S. Luke reporteth in the Actes, how our Lord got himselfe a peo∣ple there by the seruice of S. Paule, how the Church be∣••an there, and what furtherance it had. As for ••ee, I will touch nothing heere, but onely that ••hich belongeth properly too the argument of the Epistle. Saint Paule had taught the Ephesians ••he pure doctrine of the Gospell. And when he was prisoner at Rome, perceyuing that they had ••eede too bee confirmed, he wrate this Epistle too ••hem. In the three first Chapters he standeth ••heefly vppon the prayzyng and magnyfying of Gods grace. For in the beginning of the first Chap∣••••r, after his greetings, he speaketh of Gods free election, too the end they should knowe that they were now called too the kingdome of heauen, by∣cause they had bin predestinated vntoo lyfe before they were borne. And heerin shineth foorth Gods wonderfull mercy, that the sauing of our soules commeth of Gods free adoption, as of the trew ••nd naturall welspring thereof. And forasmuch as mens wittes are too weake to conceyue so hygh