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Title:  The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding
Author: Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.
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of God, but let vs as it were enter intoo examination of them e∣uery day. And although God haue chaunged our state at this day, so as wee bee no more the men that wee were afore: yit notwithstan∣ding let vs beare in mynd, that before God had pitie vppon vs, wee were as seely sheepe that went astray, and as beastes that are vtterly lost, and that without the same small beginning, wee had bin damned ten hundered thousand tymes erst, had not God preuented vs, and gi∣uen vs remedie for the cursed state wherin wee were. Yee see then, that the thing which we haue to consider vpō the sayd speech, wherby S. Paule putteth the Ephesians in mynd, what they were afore, is, that although God had put awaye the thing that shoulde haue made them ashamed, and marked them afore hand with his holy spirit, so as they were become as precious perles: yit notwithstanding he will haue them too bethink themselues, (lyke as in very deede it is, the frutes of repentance which the scripture setteth downe,) that when God hath reached vs his hand, and brought vs home agein from our straying, wee ceasse not too beethink vs of our (former) sinnes, euen in such wyze as wee may bee sorye, abashed, and ashamed of them.Whereas he sayeth, that the Gentyles haue good cause too hold downe their heades, bycause they were sometyme without assurance of Gods goodnesse and loue: therby wee bee put in mynd, that wee re∣ceyue a singular benefyte at Gods hand, when wee haue the vse of his Sacramentes, which are as warranes, that he taketh and auoweth vs too bee of his household and Church. Trew it is, that if wee a∣buse them, wee shall pay deerly for it: but yit whatsoeuer come of it, when the Sacramentes are put too the end wheruntoo they were or∣deyned, it is certein, that they bee as it were inestimable treasures, as I sayd afore. For although wee haue Gods promis that he taketh vs for his children, euen from our comming out of our mothers womb: yit is there nothing but vnclennesse in our flesh. Now then, haue wee baptim? There it is shewed vs that God washeth and clenzeth vs from all our vnclennesse, that he pulleth vs out of the confuzion wher∣in wee were with our father Adam: and that he will haue vs clothed with Iesus Christ, too bee parttakers of all his goods, as though they were our owne.Wee see then what baptim importeth, and consequently how much we ought too esteeme this grace of Gods comming vntoo vs in such wyse, and of his shewing of himself too bee our father after so homely 0