The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
Howe a man that is rich by Inheritance is bounde to bethinke himselfe to Godwarde.
363. b 10.20
Howe the people of Israell were Gods Inheritance.
415. a 20. &c. & b 10.20
What is the best Inheritance that fa∣thers can leaue their children.
474. b 40
Why and wherefore God calleth vs his Inheritance.
142. b 10.20. & that it is conditionall. 296. a 10
By what meanes the Inheritance of the promised lande befell the Iewes.
279. a 10.20.63. a 20
Though we dwell on earth, yet wee cease not to be heires of the heauen∣ly Inheritance: looke howe.
503. b 10.20
Wherein the deede of the Inheritance which God hath giuen vs is written.
313. a 10
Gods word must be for an Inheritance to his Church▪ and what we haue to gather thereupon.
1191. a 60. b all.
Why eternall life is named an Inheri∣tance.
1118. a 10
Howe wee be in possession of the Inhe∣ritance promised to the Iewes.
1143. a 10
Christes death recouered the Inheri∣tance whereof we were dispossessed in the person of Adam.
28. a 40
The Inheritaunce of Gods adopted children is certaine and infallible in heauen.
28. a 10. &c.
What consideration we ought to haue of the Inheritance that God giueth vs.
28. a 20
It were a disanulling of Christes death and passion not to be resolued of the heauenly Inheritance.
29. b 40
Impedimente and lets that hinder vs from possessing the heauenly Inhe∣ritance.
30. b 10
Christ Iesus a faithfull witnesse of the inuisible Inheritance.
35. a 50
Moses disappointed of possessing the promised Inheritance.
48. a 60
Esau cut off from the Inheritance of the Lande of promise, and why.
62. a 10
The Frenchmen, Italians, and Al∣maines banished from the Inheri∣tance of God.
1191. b 50. Looke Heritage.