The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
Notable doctrine vpon these wordes, Take good heed that thou Forget not the Lord God, when thou art ful
279. b & 282. b 10
Reasons most effectuall teaching vs that wee ought not to Forget God.
281. a 30.40.50
A remedie that wee may not Forget God in his giftes.
282. b 50.60. & 283. a 10
To Forget, after we haue once knowen him, is the welspring of all mischiefe
284. a 30. & 361. a & b 10 20. & 125. a 60
To feare God, and not to Forget him, are two inseparable groundes.
284. a 50
How euen such men as were halfe An∣gels in this world did Forget God in the time of their ease.
362. a
That wee ought not to Forget our sins but to remember them.
381. b all. & 382. a all. & b 10.20
The meaning of these words, My daugh¦ter Forget thine owne people, & thy fathers house, and thy husband will take pleasure in thee.
495. b 30.40
In what wretched taking wee bee when God doth Forget vs. 1134. b 50. and why he forgetteth vs.
122. b 40
The Iewes did Forget the law, the ma∣nifold meanes that God gaue for the memorie thereof notwithstanding.
1247. a 20.30