The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
A Consideration that we ought to haue with our selues in the time of our prosperitie and aduersitie in this life: the whole page
What kinde of Consideration shoulde haue made the Iewes meeke.
433. a 10.20.30
A Consideration set downe alwaies to be thought vpon when we reade the holy scriptures or come to a sermon.
199. b 30
God hath a Consideration to guide vs as a father doth his children.
207. a 20
A Consideration particularly to be vsed towardes them that bee in distresse: Reade the place.
210. b 10.20
A Consideration for the riche to marke and remember.
282. b 10.20
What effects will follow the due Con∣sideration of our owne infirmities.
183. a 30
A notable Consideration to be marked, when we come to a sermon, or take the Bible into our handes to reade.
126. a 50
A good Consideration and through-searching of our sinnes is necessarie, and why.
143. a 20
A Consideration that we ought to vse when so euer we perceiue anie let in vs to labour to Godwarde.
178. b 30.40
A Consideration that the Iewes should haue vsed with themselues for their conquest ouer Og and Schon.
178. b 10.20
A Consideration that wee ought to vse when God speaketh.
1006. a 40.50
A Consideration for him that despiseth and wrongeth his poore neighbours.
19. a 60
A most necessarie and not to be negle∣cted Consideration for a Iudge.
20. a 60
A Consideration for maisters of hous∣houldes to marke and remember.
22. a 20.30
A Consideration for Christians touch∣ing the hearing of sermons.
22. a 60
A Consideration to bee marked touch∣ing Gods goodnesse and benefits
27. b 50.60
A Consideration most notable touch∣ing Gods most excellent goodnesse shewed vnto vs.
39. b 30.40
A Consideration to bee marked when we goe to lawe.
23. a 30
A Consideration to bee marked when God vttereth any token of his grace and goodnesse towardes vs.
53. b 40.50
A Consideration most notable whenso∣euer the diuell assaileth vs.
87. a 30
A notable Consideration for a Prince when he moueth warre.
67. b 10
A notable Consideration when we aske God our daylie breade.
64. b 50.60
A Consideration for the ministers of Gods word worth the marking.
78. a 10
A speciall Consideration in the Israe∣lites conquering of the Lande of Chanaan.
95. a 60. & b 10
A Consideration to be entred into whē we make our requestes to God.
100. a 30
A Consideration worth the marking when God delayeth the granting of our requestes.
106. a 10