The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
The 156 157.158.159. Sermons con∣teine certaine specified plagues de∣noūced against the breakers of gods Commandements.
By what meanes God prouoketh vs to the keeping of his Commādements.
464. b 50.60
What God intended to doe vnder the ten Commandements.
202. a 10
What should sharpen our desire to fol∣low Gods Cōmandements.
207. a 10
Whereof we ought to assure our selues so oft as Gods Commandementes seeme harde vnto vs.
207. a 20.30
Read the doctrine vpon these words, If they child aske here after what these Cōmandements meane, &c.
297. a al
The meaning of these words, The kee∣ping of gods Commandements, shal be imputed to men for righteousnes before God.
300. a 60. & b all.
If a man looke no further than Gods Commaundements, there is nothing but cursing.
131. a 40.50
We must not onelie put Gods Com∣mandements, in executiō, but keepe them to do them.
488. a 40.50.
Wee must submit our selues to Gods Commandements in al cases & in al respectes without gainsaying.
523. b 30.40
Moses sheweth vs how we should keep Gods Commandements.
317. b 10.20
How the Papistes storme when we say that God must be serued simplie ac∣cording to the trueth of his Com∣mandements.
543. b 60.544. a 10
Why, before there is anie speech of the keeping of Gods Commande∣ments, loue is set downe in the first place.
137. b 30.40.50
God auoweth all such as breake his Cō∣mandements to be his enemies, and why?
320. b 10.20
To loue God and keepe his Comman∣dements are thinges vnseparable.
192. b 60
Gods doing of good to such as keep his Commandements is not of bound duetie, of what then?
193. b 10
What we must doe, to go through with Gods Commandements.
108. a 30
What wee haue to learne when God matcheth promises with Commāde∣ments.
111. b 50
How we shall be hardie enough to obey Gods Commandements.
74. b 40
The manifold and great impediments that hinder vs from obeying Gods Commandementes.
75. a 20.30
The promise of Gods blessing is tyed to the performing of his Comman∣dements.
483. b 20
What we haue to learne, in that God added not anie thing to the senten∣ces of the ten Commandementes.
249. b
The sūme of the ten Commandements
251. b 10.20.30
Notable doctrine vpon these wordes, Lay vp my Commaundementes in thy heart and in thy soule.
473. b 40.50.60
Why God pretendeth to wishe in men the keeping of his Commandements and Lawes.
260. a 10.30
Why God hath reduced his lawe into ten Commandements.
472. b 40
Why God addeth promises to his Com¦mandements.
340. b 40.50.60. & 347. a 10
Of the papistes pretended humilitie in obseruing the Commandements of their church.
389. b
Whether it be in mans power to fulfill the Commandements of God.
1052. a & b 50.60.1053. a al.
Notable doctine vppon these wordes, Keepe al the Commandements.
693. b 50.60
That none can fulfill the Commande∣ments in all points, & what we must doe towards the fulfilling of ye same.
694. a 10
Whereto the Commaundementes of God doe tend, and howe wee maie keepe them.
694. a 20 40. &c.
Ciuill gouernment is not to preiudice ye ten Commandements, or to change anie thing in them.
834. b a 10
Iesus Christ hath kept the Commaun∣demets for vs.
947. a 30
Diuerse amiable promises wherby God allureth vs to the obseruing of his Commaundements: Reade the 153 and 154 Sermon.
The Commandements of God which Page  [unnumbered] serue but for a time, are not to be ob∣serued for euer: as for examples.
919. a 40.50
Of our knowing of Gods commaunde∣ments, what it must be & not be.
911. a 40
What it is yt maketh vs so many wayes to transgresse Gods Commaundements.
905. a 50.60
Of walking according to Gods Cōman¦dements, and whether it be in mans power to performe such a work.
905. all. 906. all.
How God will haue vs keepe his Com∣mandements, is shewed by a simili∣tude.
999. a 20.30
The ten Commaundements laid vp in the sanctuarie.
1099. a 20. Looke Law and Word.