The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
How we bring Gods Curse into our hou∣ses.
345. a 50.60. & b 10
What is the greeuousest Curse that God can sende vpon men in this transito∣rie life.
1009. a 20.30
Vpon what kinde of people God doeth double his Curse.
963. a 60. b 10.20
A Curse pronounced vppon him that maketh an idole.
927. a 10.20
Howe the Curse of God falleth on euill gotten goods.
234. a 60. & b all.
A Curse vpon such as cause the blinde to stray or stumble.
930. b 40.50.60
From what Curse that is laide on all mankind the Iewes were priuiledged
409. a 10
The meaning of these wordes, Beholde this day do I set before you a blessing and a Curse.
482. a 30.40.50. &c.
How the lawe bringeth a Curse, as also it bringeth a blessing.
483. a all, & b 60. & 197. b 10.20
A Curse vppon such as plucke vp their neighbours buttles, &c.
930. a 10. this concerneth common equity, and vp∣right dealing.
A Curse vpon such as wrest the right of the stranger, the widowe and father∣lesse.
931. b
A Curse vpon all such as commit anie incestuous or infamous lecherie.
932. b 60. & 933. a 10
A Curse against him that disobeyeth father and mother, & what we haue to learne thereby.
929. a 40.50.60
Notable doctrine vppon these wordes, that the Moabites hired Baalam to Curse the people of God.
802. a 50. &c. & 804. a 10
A Curse vpon such as take gifts to smite the soule of guiltles bloud.
936. a 50.60. &c.
A Curse vpon him yt smiteth his neigh∣bour secretly.
934. b 10.20.30
Howe it commeth to passe▪ that God doth Curse those whose offense is in things whereof no mention is made in his lawe.
934. b 10
Of the generall Curse for the breach of Gods lawe, and that the same exten∣deth euen to the righteousest.
938. a 10.0.30, & 763. b all, 764. a all.
A Curse vpon such as confirme not the words of Gods lawe, by performing them.
937. a 30.40.50
After what manner the Curse that was due to vs is quite and cleane done a∣way by the curse of Christ.
766. a 40
Two thinges set before vs by the scrip∣ture, when it speaketh of the Curse which Christ bare in his bodie.
766. a 10.20. & 763. all, & 764. a all.
The chiefe Curse that falleth on man∣kinde is death.
954. b 20
The meanes whereby we be deliuered from the Curse of the lawe.
940. a 40.50.60
That Gods Curse is extended to all mē, and in what case.
763. b all, 764. a all.