The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
Gods rigorous Vengeāce on the Iewes for their disobedience.
45. a 60. & b 10
Vnthankefulnes prouoketh Gods Vē∣geance against vs to the vttermost.
72. a 10
In what cases the verie creatures shall aske Vengeance against vs.
148. a 20.30.40
What wee haue to learne in that God compareth his wrath and Venge∣ance with his mercie.
192. b 50.60
Ouer whose heades the horrible Ven∣geance of God doth hang.
281. a 10 191. a al, 65. b. 40
Vnto whom Vengeance belongeth, & that we ought not to medle therein.
800. b 40.50. &c.
Howe the Vengeance of God will per∣secute men, and that without cea∣sing: Read that place well.
978. b 40.50
That wee must doe nothing but thinke vpon Gods Vengeance, when wee haue an Item giuen vs thereof.
979. b 10
A lesson for such whom God hath assig¦ned to execute his Vengeance,
801. a 10
Of the Vengeance of God vppon the kings that succeeded Dauid.
981. b 60.982. a 10
Of Gods endles Vengeance vpon such as despise his Iustice.
976. a 10.20.30
Touching the treasures of Gods Ven∣geance,
read Page 1155. b all, 1156. a all.
What wee haue to learne by Gods sharpe Vengeance executed vppon young infantes.
1143. all, 1144. a 10.20
The Vengeance of God, and howe dreadfull the same is: Marke the doctrine.
1139. b all, 1140. a 10.20 60. b 60
What horrible Vengeance God will take on such as serue him after the commaundement of men.
526. a 60 & b 10. &c.
Two thinges to bee gathered of Saint Paules wordes, Vengeance is mine, &c.
1157. a 20.30.1156. a 50.60. b al▪
Of the sorest point of Gods Vengeance and what the same is.
968. b 10.20
What Vengeance of God hath beene accomplished vpō the greater part of the worlde.
153. a 60. & b 10
Howe long God doeth delaie his Ven∣geance.
150. b 10.728. all, 729. a all.
Signes of Gods wrath and Vengeance.
81. a 10. Looke Threatenings, and Punishments.