The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. Translated out of French by Arthur Golding.
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564., Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606., Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607., Ragueneau, Denys.
That the Infidels, canne take no pro∣fit by Gods Blessinges, though they be powred vpō them neuer so large∣ly and why.
955. a 40.50
What kinde of instructions Gods Bles∣sings ought to be vnto vs.
65. b 50
Though God bestowed his Blessinges vpon the Moabites and the Ammo∣nits, yet were they neuer the better for it, and why.
68. b 60. and 69. a 10
To what ende God sendeth vs his Bles∣singes.
247. b 20
What will make vs enioye Gods earth∣ly Blessings to our welfare.
69. a 10.20.30
It is no hurt at al to vs though God cut off the Blessings of this present life from vs.
51. a 10
What be the Blessinges of God on the children of the faithfull.
190. b 10.20.30
To what end the Blessinges of God vp∣on vs do serue.
291. a 10.20
The Blessinges that Iacob and Moses gaue the twelue tribes were prophe∣sies.
1212. b 10. & a 20.30.40
The Blessinges which Moses giueth to the tribes of Israell.
1193. a 10.20
Laying on of handes, a signe vsed in all solemne Blessings.
1244. a 30.40
Why God, to winne vs vnto him, begin∣neth with Blessings & not with curs∣sings.
961. a 60.962. a 10
How Gods Blessinges ioyned with his threatninges serued the better to bring backe the Iewes to God.
1049. a 10.20.30
Reade the 154. and 155. sermons howe God intreateth his people by Bles∣sings or promises.
Howe wee must aunswere Amen to the Blessings of God.
487. a 60. & b 10
We must answere Amen willingly, whē the Lord behighteth vs his Blessings
487. a 40.60
A commemoration or rehearsall of the Blessinges that God vttered to the people of the Iewes.
486. b 30.40
The cause why God withdraweth his Blessings from vs.
519. a 50.60. & b 10
By what meanes we neglect Gods Bles∣sings, and might otherwise enioy the same.
324. b
By what vaine toies we haue purchased Blessinges in the Popedome.
806. a 20.30
Howe the twelue tribes were diuided and the Leuites in the midst, while Blessings and cursings were vttered of either side.
922. b 60. & 923. a 10
Of the Blessings of God, and that they are conditionall.
923. b 20.30
The diuerse and manifolde Blessinges of God particularly repeated to thē that keepe his cōmandementes, read the 153 and 154 sermons.
The cause why God interlaceth his Blessinges with so many afflictions.
947. b 20.30.40
The manifold wayes whereby euen the faithfull are depriued of Gods Bles∣sings.
947. a 60. & b 10
Temporall Blessinges doe but serue to giue vs a tast of the heauenly life
950 a 10.20.
A commemoration of certaine tempo∣rall Blessinges pronounced and pro∣mised to the obseruers of Gods law:
read all the 154. sermon beginning at page 948. a 50. &c.
The cause why we conceiue not the va∣lue of Gods Blessings heere.
952. a 10. Page  [unnumbered] 20
How we like sicke folke refused the offe∣red Blessinges of God.
951. b 10.20 Looke Benefits.