An hospitall for the diseased wherein are to bee founde moste excellent and approued medicines, as well emplasters of speciall vertue, as also notable potions or drinkes, and other comfortable receptes, bothe for the restitution and the preseruation of bodily healthe : very necessary for this tyme of common plague and immortalitie, and for other tymes when occasion shall require : with a newe addition
T. C., fl. 1579., Cartwright, T.

A medicine that was taught King Henrie the seuenth by his Physition a∣gainst the pestilence.

Page  4TAke halfe a handefull of Rewe, likewise of Mandragories, Fetherfewe, Sorrell, Bur∣net, and a quantitie of the croppes and rootes of Dragones, washe theim cleane, and seeth them with a softe fire in runnyng water, from a pottle to a quarte, and then straine them togeather through a cleane cloath, and if it be bitter, putte thereto a quantitie of Sugar Candie, or of other Sugar, and if this medi∣cine bee vsed before the purples doe arise, ye shall be hole by Gods grace.